
慢性牙周炎患牙拔除后应用骨胶原重建牙槽骨嵴临床观察 被引量:3

Clinical Study on the Efficacy of Collagen in Site Preservation of Chronic Periodontitis
摘要 目的观察重度慢性牙周炎患牙拔除后使用Bio-Oss骨胶原行拔牙窝位点保存的临床效果。方法 22例重度牙周炎患者行完善的牙周基础治疗,拔除患牙彻底清创拔牙窝后随机分为两组,观察组12例,对照组10例。观察组患者在拔牙后的牙槽窝内即刻植入人工骨材料Bio-Oss骨胶原后覆盖生物膜,紧密缝合;对照组患者拔牙后不做特殊处理仅止血缝合。术后6个月观察两组临床疗效。结果观察组患者术后6个月,牙龈形态饱满,骨高度保持,骨密度增加。对照组患者可见明显的牙槽骨嵴低平狭窄,牙龈萎缩,缺失侧牙根暴露。结论重度牙周炎患牙拔除后位点保存术中使用骨胶原,不仅防止拔牙后剩余牙槽骨的再吸收,还可促进新骨形成、修复骨缺损、恢复牙槽骨的解剖形态,有效改善软硬组织状况。 Objective To observe the clinical effect of collagen in site preservation after tooth extraction.Methods Twenty-two patients with sever periodontitis who received complete periodental non-surgical treatment and tooth extraction were divided randomly into two groups,the tooth sockets in the experimental group were immediately implanted Bio-Oss Collagen and covered by Bio-Gide;in the control group,the tooth sockets were cleaned up totally and sutured.The changes of the patients in alveoar bone were observed after six months.Results The alveolar bone height and density were basically maintained and the gum were full in the experimental group.The resorption of alveloar bone was seen in the height and width in the control group.Conclusion Using collagen in site preservation can markedly prevent the alveloar bone absorption and promote the mew bone formation to improve the hard and soft tissue recon struction.
作者 张淅 谢珊珊 ZHANG Xi;XIE Shan-shan(Periodotics Department,Nanyang Stomatological Hospital,Nanyang Henan 473000,China)
出处 《河南医学高等专科学校学报》 2018年第1期4-6,共3页 Journal of Henan Medical College
关键词 牙周炎 牙槽骨再生 位点保存 骨胶原 periodontitis alveloar bone reconstruction site preservation collagen
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