印度造纸工业一直以来是全球造纸工业的重要组成部分,随着印度经济水平的不断提高,印度原本庞大的人口基数和不断增长的城市化进程已经使得印度造纸工业成为全球范围内争相抢占的市场。近两年,印度造纸工业继续延续较好的发展势头,目前印度造纸工业的纸及纸板产量占全球纸及纸板总产量的3%,与2014年1.6%的占比来看,增长幅度较大。近两年,印度纸及纸板产量和消费量增长明显,据预测,2025年印度造纸工业消费量将增加到2350万吨,据称,如果乐观预计,消费量甚至增长至369 0万吨。
The Indian paper industry accounts for 3 percent of world's paper production with a turnover of Rs. 500 billion approximately. The industry has been growing sufficiently over the last few years but not at desired rate. Demand for paper has been growing at 8 percent per year for some time and the production grew at CAGR of 13.3 percent during 2011 to 2015. According to industry estimates, the domestic market or consumption of paper is over 16 million tonnes, with over 2 million tonnes being imported.However, another estimate shows to total production at 16.63 million tonnes at the end of 2015 along with consumption peaking at 17.42 million tonnes during same period. The data amply shows the consumption level rising faster than the production capacity. By 2025, under the baseline scenario, domestic consumption is projected to rise by 23.5 million tonnes. And in the optimistic scenario, consumption is expected to rise to 36.9 million tonnes. This huge consumption growth warrants fast capacity augmentation by the industry, close to 1 million tonnes on an annual basis. "2017 Top21 Paper Companies in India" conducted biennially, is intended to provide the industry readers a quick glimpse of the Indian pulp and paper industry in terms of how major companies are doing financially and production wise including other vital parameters such as CSR, conservation approaches technology, etc. The listing this year may exhibit some major disruptions in rankings because of drastically varying performance of few top companies in the last two years.
China Pulp & Paper Industry