纵观2017年造纸工业生产及经济运行情况,造纸企业克服了原辅材料、能源、运输成本上涨等诸多不利因素影响,做到了生产运营保持基本平稳,经济效益大幅增长。预计2017年全年国内制浆和造纸生产量和消费量为:(1)纸及纸板生产总量约为11110万吨,同比增长约2.3%:(2)纸及纸板表观消费量约为1080 0万吨,同比增长约3.6%:(3)造纸用纸浆生产总量约为8010万吨,同比增长约1.1%:(4)造纸用纸浆消费量约为10040万吨,同比增长约2.5%。
2017 has witnessed steady operation and significant economic growth of China pulp and paper companies, who have overcome several disadvantages in materials, energies, transportation costs, etc. It's predicted that the total output of paper and paperboard will be about 111.1 million tons in 2017, with a yearon year growth rate of 2.3%, and the consumption volume of paper and paperboard is expected to be about 108 million tons, grown by 3.6% compared with that of 2016. Moreover, the output of paper pulp is predicted to be about 80.1 million tons(+1.1%), and the consumption volume of it is supposed to be about 100.4 million tons(2.5%) in 2017.
China Pulp & Paper Industry