
困境与破局:我国流域经济与政区经济协同发展的路径及对策研究 被引量:5

Dilemma and Breaking out: The Path and Countermeasure Research of the Coordinated Development between Basin Economy and Administrative Region Economy in China
摘要 流域经济是引领未来中国发展最重要的增长极和实现区域协调可持续发展的基本途径。流域经济与政区经济协同发展已成为中国经济布局的基本方向并取得重大成就,但二者协同发展面临许多挑战。本文尝试从实际情况入手,梳理我国流域经济与政区经济协同发展的六重困境,结合相关理论理顺政区与流域的边界、政府和市场的作用、民生与经济的协调等三条线索,从强基础、调结构、转思路、深改革、增福祉五个方向寻求破局之法,促进流域经济与政区经济在协同发展中凝聚共识,实现和谐、合作、公平、共享的可持续发展。 Basin economy is the basic way to lead the most important growth pole of China's development in the future and to realize the coordinat鄄ed and sustainable development of the region.The coordinated development of basin economy and administrative region economy has become the basic direction of China's economic distribution and has made great achievements.However,the coordinated development of the two faces many challenges.This paper tries to sort out the six plights of cooperative development of basin economy and administrative region economy from the ac鄄tual situation.Combining relevant theories,we should straighten out three clues,namely,the boundaries between the administrative region and the basin,the role of the government and the market,the coordination between the people's livelihood and the economy,and seek the way to break out from five directions,namely,strong foundation,structural adjustment,idea transformation,deep reform and increasing well-being.We should pro鄄mote a consensus on the coordinated development of basin economy and administrative region economy,and realize the sustainable development of harmony,cooperation,equity and sharing.
作者 刘世庆 巨栋 Liu Shiqing;Ju Dong(Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences,Chengdu 610071,China)
出处 《当代经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期66-73,共8页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 四川省社会科学重点研究基地--西部交通战略与区域发展研究中心资助项目 西南交通大学中央高校基本科研业务费资助<长江上游推进"生态优先 绿色发展"战略的实施路径与政策优化研究>(XJQ001)最终成果 国家社会科学基金重大项目<我国流域经济与政区经济协同发展研究>(12&ZD201)阶段成果
关键词 流域经济 政区经济 协同发展 政策优化 basin economy administrative region economy coordinated development policy optimization
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