
宏观审慎下系统性风险形成与防范机制研究 被引量:2

Research on the Formation and Prevention of Systemic Risk under Macro Prudence
摘要 宏观审慎监管以防范系统性风险为最终目标,监管当局应重点关注系统性风险来源的两个方面:时间维度的顺周期效应和空间维度的传染效应。2008年金融危机后,系统性风险的形成与防范已成为监管部门和理论界的重要研究领域。基于上述背景,文章分别从系统风险形成的时间维度和空间维度展开探讨,并对系统性风险的防范和处置措施进行研究综述。 Macro prudential supervision takes preventing systemic risk as its ultimate goal.The regulatory authorities should focus on two aspects of systemic risk sources:the pro-cyclical effect of time dimension and the contagion effect of spatial dimension.After the financial crisis in 2008,the formation and prevention of systemic risk has become an important research field for both the regulatory authorities and the theorists.Based on the above background,this paper probes into the time dimension and spatial dimension of the formation of system risk respectively and summarizes the prevention and disposal measures of systemic risk.
作者 吴宜勇 胡日东 Wu Yiyong;Hu Ridong(Minnan Normal Uiversity,Zhangzhou 363000,China;Huaqiao University,Xiamen 361021,China)
出处 《当代经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期91-97,共7页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 福建省社会科学规划青年项目<福建省自贸区资本管制的效率及提升策略研究>(FJ2015C025) 华侨大学人文社会科学研究基地基金 "四个一批"人才自助选题资助
关键词 宏观审慎 时间维度 空间维度 有效性评估 macro prudence time dimension spatial dimension effectiveness evaluation
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