

Initial Exploration on the Training and Rectification of Grassroots Cadres in the Early Stage of Taking Over the City and Building Political Power——Taking Changsha Special Area of Hunan Province as an Example
摘要 干部队伍建设是政权建设和组织建设的核心内容。中共长沙地委在接管建政之初,急需大批干部投入到支前征粮和民主建政等各项工作中,但面临基层干部紧缺、素质参差不齐等问题。为此,中共长沙地委将培养、整顿干部作为组织工作和政权建设的中心任务,通过采取开办干部学校和训练班、审查甄别旧职员、建立学习机制和开展干部整风等举措,培养和选拔了大批知识分子和工农干部,并逐步提高了干部的素质和思想觉悟,初步整顿了工作作风,为长沙专区进行社会主义改造奠定了组织上和思想上的基础。 The construction of cadre ranks is the core content of organization construction and regime construction. At the beginning of taking over the city and building political power the Changsha Prefectural Committee of the CPC was in urgent need of a large number of cadres to take part in assisting the front, constructing democratic power and other works, but it was still confronted with the shortage of grassroots cadres and the low level of cadres' cultural attainments. So the Changsha Prefectural Committee of the CPC treated training and rectifying cadres as the central task of organization work and political power construction, by setting up cadres schools and training classes, vetting cadres, establishing learning mechanism, carrying out the rectification and other measures it cultivated and selected a large number of intellectuals and cadres, gradually improved the quality and ideological awareness of cadres, initially rectified the work style and laid the organizational and ideological foundation for the socialist transformation at Changsha Prefectural Committee of the CPC.
作者 孙延青
机构地区 湘潭大学历史系
出处 《当代中国史研究》 CSSCI 2018年第2期30-37,共8页 Contemporary China History Studies
关键词 长沙专区 接管城市 建立政权 干部培养 作风整顿 Changsha Special Area take over cities build regime cadre training style rectification
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