
改革开放以来扶贫政策的历史演进及其创新——以中央一号文件为中心的考察 被引量:15

The Historical Evolution and Its Innovation of Poverty Alleviation Policy Since the Reform and Opening-up——A Study Centered on the CPC's No.1 Document
摘要 中央一号文件中扶贫政策的历史演进经历了以"面"为主的开发式扶贫、"面、点结合"的多维扶贫和以"点"为主的精准扶贫三个阶段。扶贫方略由区域整体带动、"面"上扶贫向区域内贫困单元协同推进、精准扶贫转变。扶贫主体由单一到多元,扶贫对象由宏观到微观,扶贫手段由单一转向多样化,扶贫机制由不完善到相对完善。其创新之处主要有:立足"三农"工作全局,把扶贫和"三农"工作紧密结合,统筹谋划,协同推进;注重扶贫制度建设与扶贫机制创新,保证扶贫工作科学化、系统化;尊重扶贫对象的主体地位,发挥其积极性与主动性;重视教育扶贫,充分发挥教育在提升贫困主体综合素质和自我发展能力、保证脱贫可持续性等方面的作用;持续加大扶贫资金投入,为扶贫开发工作提供坚实的物质基础;动员社会力量积极参与扶贫工作,着力营造全社会关注扶贫、参与扶贫的良好氛围。 The historical evolution of poverty alleviation policy in the CPC's No. 1 Document has experienced three phases: the explorative poverty alleviation, multi-dimensional poverty alleviation and precision poverty alleviation. The poverty alleviation strategy is changed from promotion by the region as a whole to coordinated advancement of poverty units in the region and poverty alleviation. The main body of poverty alleviation is changed from single to multiple, the object of poverty alleviation is changed from macro to micro precision, the means of poverty alleviation is changed from single to diversified and the mechanism of poverty alleviation is changed from imperfect to relatively perfect. The main innovations are: base on the "three rurals" work in the overall situation, closely combine the poverty alleviation and the "three rurals" work and overall planning and coordinated progress, pay attention to poverty alleviation system construction and poverty alleviation mechanism innovation to ensure the scientific and systematic poverty alleviation, respect the main body of poverty alleviation and exert its enthusiasm and initiative, pay attention to the education of poverty alleviation and give full play to the role of education in improving the comprehensive quality and self-development ability of the poor body and ensuring the sustainability of poverty alleviation, continuously increase the investment of poverty alleviation funds and provide a solid material base for the development of poverty alleviation, mobilize social forces to actively participate in poverty alleviation and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to pay attention to poverty alleviation and participation in poverty alleviation.
作者 孔繁金
出处 《当代中国史研究》 CSSCI 2018年第2期111-120,128,共10页 Contemporary China History Studies
关键词 中央一号文件 扶贫政策 “三农” 历史演进 the CPC's No.1 Document policy of poverty alleviation "three rurals" historical evolution
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