

Develop Scientific Socialism Theory with the Times According to the New Practice——Inspiration from Reading the "Communist Manifesto"
摘要 马克思,恩格斯通过对《共产党宣言》的修改、补充和完善,为我们树立起马克思主义与时俱进理论品质的光辉典范。在《共产党宣言》中,马克思恩格斯从分析资产阶级和无产阶级产生、发展及其相互对立和斗争入手,科学阐明了人类社会发展的客观规律,深刻揭示了资本主义产生、发展和最终必然被社会主义代替的历史趋势,科学社会主义只有与本国国情和实际紧密结合,才能发挥其理论指导作用,在改革开放进程中,我国立足于社会主义初级阶段这一基本国情,确立了党的基本路线,作出了关于社会主义本质的判断,体现出我们党与时俱进的理论品格和价值追求。党的十八大以来,习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想更是在方法上、内容上丰富发展了科学社会主义,继承和发展了《共产党宣言》关于根据新的实践发展科学社会主义理论的思想,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面。因此,系统学习和正确掌握《共产党宣言》的相关精神,有助于深刻领会当代中国共产党关于理论创新发展的思想。 Marx and Engels set glorious examples of the quality Marxist theories of advancing with the times by modifying,supplementing and perfecting the"Communist Manifesto".In the“Communist Manifesto”,Marx and Engels starting by analyzing the emergence and development of the capitalist class and the proletariat and their mutual confrontation and struggle,scientifically clarified the objective laws of the development of human society,and profoundly revealed the birth and development of capitalism,and the historical trend that it would be inevitability replaced by socialism in the end.Scientific socialism can only exert its role of theoretical guiding when it is closely integrated with national conditions and reality of our country.In the process of reform and opening up,China established the basic line of the party based on the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism,and make judgments about the nature of socialism,which have reflected our party's theoretical character and value pursuit of advancing with the times.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era has enriched and developed scientific socialism in terms of method and content,inherited and developed the idea of the ideas of the“Communist Manifesto”on developing scientific socialist theory based on new practice,and initiated the new situation of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Therefore,systematically studying and correctly grasping the relevant spirit of the"Communist Manifesto"will help us deeply understand the contemporary Chinese Communist Party's ideas of theoretical innovation and development.
作者 吕薇洲 Lv Weizhou
出处 《决策与信息》 2018年第5期70-74,共5页 Decision & Information
关键词 马克思 恩格斯 马克思主义 《共产党宣言》 科学社会主义 中国特色社会主义 Marx Engels Marxism “The Communist Manifesto” scientific socialism socialism with Chinesecharacteristics
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