

A Low Power Bi-Side OLED's Gate Driver Circuit by IZO TFTs Employing AC-DC Driving Method
摘要 提出一种基于In-Zn-O薄膜晶体管(IZO TFTs)的行集成驱动电路,该电路采用了交流直流混合的驱动方式,即电路的级联输出级COUT(N)连接了时钟信号,而输出级OUT(N)连接了直流电源VDD。电路在级联输出级与输出级之间添加了一个反相器作为输出级的控制端,控制下拉TFT管的开关状态,实现双边驱动的功能。我们成功地制作了54级该行集成驱动电路。实验结果表明,该电路在负载5 k?和100 pF条件下可以很好地进行工作,功耗为18μW。满足300 ppi OLED显示屏双边驱动需求。 This paper proposed a gate driver circuit based on IZO TFTs.The circuit employs the AC-DC output module which the stage output module of the circuit is connected to the signal clock,while the output module connected to the DC power supply VDD.Furthermore,a converter is adopted between the stage output module and the output module,which can control the pull-down TFT in the output module.So that the bi-side driving function can be achieved.We have successfully fabricated 54 stages of the proposed gate driver circuits.The dimension of each stage concluding 15 TFTs is 1 330μm width and 169μm height.The test result shows that the proposed gate driver could work normally with a load of R=5 kΩand C=100 pF.The power consumption of each stage is measured as 180μW.As the conclusion,the proposed gate driver is suitable for 300 PPI display of AMOLED or AMLCD.
作者 张立荣 肖文平 周雷 吴为敬 徐苗 王磊 ZHANG Lirong;XIAO Wenping;ZHOU Lei;WU Weijing;XU Miao;WANG Lei(Shunde Polytechnic,Guangdong 528300,China;Guangzhou New Vision Opto-Electronic Technology Company,Ltd.,Guangdong 510730,China;State Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials and Devices,South China University of Technology,Guangdong 510640,China)
出处 《集成电路应用》 2018年第4期12-16,共5页 Application of IC
基金 国家自然科学基金(61574062) 广东省科技计划项目(2016B090906002) 国家教育部中央高校基本科研业务费项目(2017ZD059) 广东省自然科学基金项目(2015A030310522) 广东省高等职业教育教学改革项目(201401300) 顺德区科技计划项目(SDKJ_2017052)
关键词 行集成驱动电路 In-Zn-O薄膜晶体管(IZOTFTs) 交流直流混合的驱动(AC-DC) 双边驱动 integrated gate driver circuit In-Zn-O thin-film transistor AC-DC output module bi-side driving method
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