

Anatomical characteristics and its taxonomic significance of fern genus Plagiogyria in China
摘要 文章通过查阅瘤足蕨属馆藏标本,同时结合野外不同居群及同一居群不同个体的形态解剖特征比较分析后认为,该属分类时所采用的植株大小、羽片数目、叶柄和叶轴绒毛的有无、叶柄上瘤的多少及有无等特征在不同个体中变异较大,不宜作为物种划分的依据;叶柄中部横切面、叶片为羽裂还是羽状、叶片顶部为奇数羽状还是羽状深裂、叶为革质还是草质、叶片下面是否灰色或白色、基部羽片是否缩短及是否向下反折等特征在不同个体中较稳定,这些形状可以用于种的分类。此外,瘤足蕨、耳形瘤足蕨、镰羽瘤足蕨和峨嵋瘤足蕨的叶片为羽裂,其基部羽片缩短或突缩短成耳形,基部羽片也向下反折或强向下反折;这些种的叶片的羽裂与基部羽片缩短或基部羽片向下反折是相关的;密叶瘤足蕨、灰背瘤足蕨、华中瘤足蕨和华东瘤足蕨的叶片为羽状,其基部羽片为不缩短也不向下反折,这些种类的叶片的羽状与基部羽片不缩短或基部羽片不向下反折是相关的;这些性状的相关性在不同居群或同一居群同一种的个体中是稳定的,对种的分类和野外识别也有重要价值。 By looking up the herbarium specimens of Plagiogyria(Kunze)Mett.,at the same time,the morphological anatomical features of different populations and different individuals of the same population in the field were compared and analyzed,when the Genus is classified,the characteristics of the size of plant,the number of plumes,the number of petiole and leaf axles,the number of tumors on the petiole and the presence of the nodules were significantly different in different individuals,is unsuitable as the gist of species division.The cross section of the middle of the petiole,the leaves are pinnatifid or pinniform,the top of the blade is odd pinnate or deeply pinnate,leaves are leathery or grass leaves,whether the leaves are gray or white,whether the base feather is shortened and the downward reflexed and some features are stable in different individuals,these shapes can be used for species classification.In addition,the blade of P.adnata,P.stenoptera,P.falcata and P.assurgens are pinnatifid,the accessory pinna in the base is shortened or truncated into an ear shape,the pinna in the base is also bent downward or strongly downward.The pinnations of blade of these species are related to the reduction of the pinna in the base or the downward fold of the pinna in the base.The blade of P.pycnophylla,P.glauca,P.euphlebia and P.japonica are pinnatus,their base plumes do not shorten or downward reflexion,the pinnation of these kinds of blade is related to the non-shortening accessory pinna in the base and accessory pinna in the base not downward reflexion.Correlations between these traits are stable in individuals with different populations or in the same species,the classification of species and field identification also have important value.
出处 《大众科技》 2018年第3期13-15,20,共4页 Popular Science & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(31460049)
关键词 瘤足蕨属 形态特征 分类学 Plagiogyria morphological characteristics taxonomy
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