

Deepening the Reform and Greatly Developing the Advanced Manufacturing Industry
摘要 创建北部湾先进制造业中心是湛江开发区履行国家级先导区功能,落实十九大精神,推动建设制造强国的需要,是湛江市构建北部湾中心城市的重要支撑,是湛江引领北部湾城市群大力发展先进制造业、建设现代化经济体系的重要引擎。湛江开发区应突出自身先导功能,充分发挥政策资源效应,深化改革,大胆创新,对标先进,补齐短板。具体策略是:创新发展思路,明确功能定位,调整主攻方向;围绕主攻方向,创新完善大部制管理体制;大力推动先进制造业的发展,夯实创建北部湾先进制造业中心的产业基础;实施创新驱动战略,加大技术创新力度,提升先进制造业的核心竞争力;创新招商选资体制机制,努力提升招商选资的实效,增强发展先进制造业的后劲;创新优化产业发展环境,促进先进制造业优质快速发展。 The establishment of Beibuwan advanced manufacturing industry center is the need of Zhanjiang development zone to carry out its prior national function,to fulfil the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in the promotion of the construction of manufactural power.It is also the important support to Zhanjiang in setting up itself as the central city in Beibuwan region.Zhanjiang development zone should emphasize its prior function,exerts its privilege in policy resources,deepens reform,braves new shapes,looks to the advanced models,and strengthens the weak parts.The concrete strategy should be:to innovate the thought of development,make clear the functional orientation,and adjust the major direction;according to the major direction to complete the super-ministry system;to develop greatly the advanced manufacturing industry,and to consolidate the basis of the establishment of Beibuwan advanced manufacturing industry center;to put forward the innovation-driven strategy so as to enhance the effect of the choice of investment capital and to strengthen the after-effect of the development of the advanced manufacturing industry;and to optimize the surroundings for the industry development so that the advanced manufacturing industry may developed fast and with good quality.
作者 廖东 LIAO Dong(Comprehensive Reform and Development Research Institute of Guangdong Province,Guangzhou, Guangdong 510332,China;Zhanjiang Philosophy and Political Economy Society,Zhanjiang,Guangdong 524022,China)
出处 《岭南师范学院学报》 2018年第2期97-103,共7页 Journal of Lingnan Normal University
关键词 北部湾 湛江经济技术开发区 先进制造业 Beibuwan Zhanjiang Economic and Technology Development Zone the advanced manufacturing industry
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