
基于CC1100的UHF RFID阅读器设计 被引量:3

Design of UHF RFID Reader Based on CC1100
摘要 采用ARM9系列的S3C2440作为CPU,CC1100作为射频收发器,设计特高频(UHF)RFID手持式阅读器。射频电路采用两片CC1100以解决单片不能同时收发信号的缺点,采用两级放大持续对阅读器连续供电,并对阅读器软件部分的防碰撞算法进行优化。结果表明,与传统时隙ALOHA防碰撞算法相比,改进的防碰撞算法的吞吐率维持在0.357左右,吞吐率平均提高了8.44%,碰撞概率平均降低了6.3%。所以,阅读器系统有效提高了单位时间内标签读取的准确性、读取速度、识别率,降低了标签相互碰撞的概率。 The handheld Ultra High Frequency(UHF)RFID reader had been designed.The reader used S3C2440 of ARM9 as CPU,CC1100 as RF transceiver.RF circuit was designed by two CC1100s to solve the problem that single CC1100 could not send-receive signal at the same time.RF circuit was also designed by using a two-amplifier structure,so the hardware would supply power for the reader continuously.For the software part,anti-collision algorithm had been optimized for reader.The result shows that the improved anti-collision algorithm can improve throughput about 8.44%and collision probability decreased by 6.3%compared with the traditional ALOHA algorithm.So the system can reduce the probability of tags’collision.As well,the reading accuracy,speed of reader tag and recognition rate has been improved in unit time.
作者 李世涛 林月 LI Shitao;LIN Yue(Arts and Information Engineering College of Dalian Polytechnic University,Dalian Liaoning 116600,China)
出处 《电子器件》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第2期495-500,共6页 Chinese Journal of Electron Devices
关键词 RFID 阅读器设计 S3C2440 CC1100 防碰撞算法 RFID reader designing S3C2440 CC1100 anti-collision algorithm
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