In The Open Society and its Enemies,Popper points out that Plato was the first person to put forward an idea about“historicism”.The method which he uses to criticize Plato is to point out Plato’s theory of idea is the metaphysical basis for“historicism”,so in essence it is a kind of methodology of essence.Plato’s holistic descriptive sociology is the methodology of“historicism”and is also idealism and naturalism in essence.The totalitarian ideology in Plato’s political platform is the historical philosophy embodied in the field of politics.This essay argues that Popper’s criticism fights against fascist totalitarian and authoritarian in reality on one hand,and deprecates classical natural law right in term of theoretical logic by using modern concepts of freedom and rights on the other.And in methodology,he also applies falsification which has a direct bearing on natural science to historical law and personal life.
ZHANG Jianxia(School of Philosophy,NanKai University,Tianjin 300050,China)
Journal of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power(Social Science Edition)