
基于体验价值视角的B2B展会观众服务营销策略 被引量:1

B2B Exhibition Audience Service Marketing Strategy Based on Experience Value
摘要 在体验经济背景下,我国经济发展主流逐渐从简单制造业转向个性化服务业,我国会展业应该顺应发展机遇。然而,我国B2B展会面临一大问题,即缺乏产品与服务、服务与体验的结合。参展商和观众的体验价值感知,在很大程度上影响着双方展后行为和意愿。本文在分析B2B展会中参展商和观众的体验价值的基础上,为参展商更好的服务展会观众提出了相应的服务营销策略。 In the context of experience economy,the mainstream of China's economic development has gradually shifted from simple manufacturing to personalized service industries,and our convention and exhibition industry should adapt to development opportunities.However,China's B2B exhibition is facing a big problem,namely the lack of a combination of products and services,services and experience.The experience value perception of exhibitors and visitors influences the behavior and willingness of the two parties after the exhibition to a large extent.Based on the analysis of the experience value of exhibitors and visitors in the B2B exhibition,this article presents a corresponding service marketing strategy for exhibitors to better serve the audience.
作者 张丽 陈辰 段雨含 Zhang Li;Chen Chen;Duan Yu-han(Shanghai University of International Business and Economics,Shanghai;Fudan University,Shanghai)
出处 《江苏商论》 2018年第4期32-35,共4页 Jiangsu Commercial Forum
基金 上海市教委“2017年度上海大学生创新创业训练计划示范校”建设经费资助
关键词 体验价值 B2B展会 互动 服务 体验设计 experience value B2B exhibition interaction service experience design
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