
医院电子档案管理与应用效果的社会评析考究 被引量:6

Social Analysis on the Effect of Electronic Archives Management and Application in Hospital
摘要 目的湖北省孝感市中心医院是湖北省孝感市的一家三甲综合医院,近年来电子文件已成为医院档案管理的重要组成部分。电子档案是指具有保存价值的、已归档的电子文件及相应的支持软件产品和软、硬说明。主要含电子文书(如电子公文、电子病历、电子报表等)、电子影像资料(如医疗影像资料、视频资料等)、人事管理档案、科学研究档案、居民体检档案等。其分类、收集、整理、保管、应用已成为医院档案管理的全新课题。为了解医院电子档案管理与应用的实际效果,特别引入武汉市创意无限咨询策划有限公司实施第三方满意度调查,应用第三方满意度测评体系,进行医院档案管理与应用的效果评析。此举在我院实施后的反映、评价如何?现为此进行了追踪调查。方法采取问卷调查收集数据,采用SPSS 20.0做统计学分析。结果电子档案管理与应用第三方满意度评价前后,关于电子档案管理与应用标准化、规范化评价的P值、医生和患者对档案信息共享应用满意度的P值以及电子档案管理与应用在个性化服务中评价的P值均<0.01,显示差异具有统计学意义。档案第三方满意度评析前后,统计分析医生、护士、医技人员、行政后勤人员对档案第三方满意度评析的P值<0.01,显示差异具有统计学意义。结论建立第三方评价档案管理与应用效果,是实施动态监测,加强质量管理,建立良好医患关系,提升社会满意度的一大重要举措。 Objective Xiaogan city central hospital in Hubei province is a tertiary general hospital in Xiaogan city.In recent years,electronic documents have become an important part of hospital archives management.Electronic files refer to the electronic files that have the preservation value,the archived electronic files and the corresponding supporting software products and soft and hard instructions.It mainly consists of electronic documents,such as electronic documents,electronic medical records,electronic reports,etc.,electronic image data,such as medical image data,video data,etc.,personnel management files,scientific research archives,residents'physical examination files,etc.Its classification,collection,arrangement,storage and application have become a new subject of hospital archives management.In order to understand the actual effect of the management and application of hospital electronic records,the introduction of Wuhan creative unlimited Consulting Co.,Ltd.was carried out in the third party satisfaction survey,and the third party satisfaction evaluation system was applied to evaluate the effect of hospital archives management and application.What is the reflection and evaluation of this action after the implementation of our hospital?The author carried out a follow-up investigation.Methods A questionnaire survey was taken to collect data and SPSS 20.0 was used for statistical analysis.Results After evaluation of electronic archives management and the application of the third party on the satisfaction of electronic archives management and application of standardized evaluation of the P value,doctors and patients to file information sharing application P value and satisfaction of the management and application of electronic archives in personalized service evaluation,P<0.01,showing significant the difference.After analysis of third party archives satisfaction,statistical analysis of doctors,nurses and technicians,administrative personnel of archives of third party satisfaction,P<0.01,also showed significant difference.Conclusion The establishment of the third party evaluation of archives management and application effect is an important measure to implement dynamic monitoring,strengthen quality management,establish good doctor-patient relationship and enhance social satisfaction.
作者 谢芳 XIE Fang(Human Resources Department,Xiaogan Central Hospital of Hubei Province,Xiaogan Hubei 432000,China)
出处 《中国卫生标准管理》 2018年第7期1-3,共3页 China Health Standard Management
关键词 电子档案 管理与应用 效果 社会评析 满意度 调查 electronic archives management and application effect social evaluation satisfaction survey
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