背景:骨股头坏死是常见的老年退行性关节骨病之一,目前常用的保髋手术如前侧切口股骨头开窗病灶清除植骨术,股外侧切口转子下钻孔病灶清除打压植骨腓骨支撑术,这两种术式对患者造成的创伤较大,手术费用也较高,且术后易发生股骨头塌陷,对股骨头坏死的病程抑制及修复效果并不理想。目的:试验希望能有一种新型的可弥补传统保髋手术缺点的修复方法,采用术中创伤小和治疗费用低的开窗病灶清除加经皮微创腓骨植入术,观察其对老年股骨头坏死的治疗效果及对术后股骨头塌陷的预防情况。方法:研究为前瞻性,多中心,非随机对照临床试验。纳入河北省优抚医院及河北医科大学第三医院老年退行性股骨头坏死患者共70例患者(117髋),按修复方式分为3组:(1)钻孔病灶清除组采用传统股外侧切口转子下钻孔病灶清除打压植骨腓骨支撑修复;(2)开窗病灶清除组采用传统前侧切口股骨头开窗病灶清除植骨修复;(3)采用在开窗病灶清除打压植骨的基础上加经皮微创腓骨植入修复设为联合修复组,每组39髋,随访12个月。试验的主要结局指标为术后12个月的患侧股骨头塌陷进展率。次要结局指标为术中出血量、手术时间及住院费用,术前、术后6,12个月髋关节X射线形态及髋关节功能Harris评分变化,术后6,12个月不良反应发生率。讨论:试验结果数据,验证开窗病灶清除联合经皮微创腓骨植入修复成人股骨头坏死的效果可否优于传统的两种保髋手术方式,具有显著抑制术后股骨头塌陷、改善髋关节功能的作用。试验经河北医科大学第三医院伦理委员会批准(审批单位:河北医科大学第三医院,批准号:KE2016-011-1)。研究符合世界医学会制定的《赫尔辛基宣言》的要求。参与者本人对试验方案和过程均知情同意,并签署知情同意书。试验方案设计时间为2014年1月,伦理审批时间为2014年12月,试验对象招募时间为2018年6月,样本及数据收集时间为2018年6月至2019年6月,结果指标分析时间拟为2019年8月,试验完成时间为2019年12月。文章结果将以科学会议报告,或在同行评议的期刊上发表传播。试验已在中国临床试验注册中心注册(注册号:Chi CTR1800015124)。
BACKGROUND:Osteonecrosis of the femoral head is one of the common forms of senile degenerative osteoarthropathy.The hip preservation surgery techniques that are currently commonly used include femoral head fenestration,debridement and bone grafting through an anterior approach,and debridement and impaction bone grafting with fibula support through a lateral approach with subtrochanter drilling.These two techniques cause great trauma to the patients,and surgery costs are high.Femoral head collapse occurs easily after surgery.The course inhibition of necrosis of the femoral head and repair effect are not ideal.OBJECTIVE:This study hopes to develop a new repair method that can make up for the shortcomings of conventional hip preservation surgery.We will observe the therapeutic effect of fenestration and debridement combined with percutaneous minimally invasive fibula implantation.This low-cost procedure for senile osteonecrosis of the femoral head should have little intraoperative trauma.We will determine if it also prevents postoperative femoral head collapse.METHODS:This is a prospective,multicenter,non-randomized,controlled,clinical trial.Seventy patients(117 hips)with senile degenerative osteonecrosis of the femoral head will be recruited from the Hebei Provincial Youfu Hospital and the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University,Shijiazhuang,China.The patients will be allocated into three groups according to the repair method.(1)Patients in the drilling debridement group will undergo conventional debridement and impaction bone grafting with fibula support through a lateral approach with subtrochanter drilling.(2)Patients in the fenestration debridement group will undergo conventional femoral head fenestration,debridement,and bone grafting through an anterior approach.(3)Patients in the combination repair group will undergo fenestration,debridement,and impaction bone grafting combined with percutaneous minimally invasive fibula implantation.Each group will include 39 hips.Follow-up will be conducted for 12 months.The primary outcome measure is the incidence of femoral head collapse on the affected side at 12 months after surgery.The secondary outcome measures are intraoperative blood loss,operation time,hospital costs,and Harris hip score for hip function before surgery and 6 and 12 months after surgery and the incidence of adverse reactions at 6 and 12 months after surgery.DISCUSSION:Our results can verify whether the effect of fenestration and debridement combined with percutaneous minimally invasive fibula implantation is better than those of the other two types of conventional hip preservation techniques in the treatment of senile osteonecrosis of the femoral head.In addition,we will validate whether the combined method clearly inhibits postoperative femoral head collapse and improves hip function.This trial has been approved by the Ethics Committee of Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University of China(approval number:KE2016-011-1).The study protocol will be conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki,formulated by the World Medical Association.Written informed consent will be obtained from all participants.This trial was designed in January 2014.Ethics approval was done in December 2014.The recruitment of subjects will begin in June 2018.Samples and data will be collected from June 2018 to June 2019.Outcome measures will be analyzed in August 2019.This trial will be completed in December 2019.The results of the trial will be reported in a scientific conference or disseminated in a peer-reviewed journal.This trial had been registered in the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry(registration number:ChiCTR1800015124).
Li Li-xun;Qin Di(Hebei Provincial Youfu Hospital,Shijiazhuang 050057,Hebei Province,China;Third Hospital,Hebei Medical University,Shijiazhuang 050051,Hebei Province,China)
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research