
压疮愈合计分表在Ⅱ、Ⅲ期压疮护理中的应用效果 被引量:4

The application of pressure ulcer scale for healing in Ⅱ,Ⅲ stage pressure ulcers nursing
摘要 目的研究压疮愈合计分表(PUSH)在Ⅱ和Ⅲ期压疮护理中的应用效果。方法选取2016年9月至2017年9月我院收治的压疮患者86例(191处),均使用PUSH对Ⅱ、Ⅲ期压疮的动态变化进行评价并记录结果。将患者随机等分为两组专业组和培训组,分别由护理组长,高级责任护士(专业组)以及初级责任护士(培训组)对其进行PUSH监测,比较两组患者各期压疮护理前后的PUSH评分,找出PUSH、创口面积与压疮愈合时间的相关性。结果Ⅱ和Ⅲ期压疮的首次和末次的PUSH评分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组护理人员使用PUSH量表对患者同期压疮的PUSH评分比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。创口面积与压疮愈合时间两者的相关系数为0.85,明显高于利用常规评估创口面积与压疮愈合时间的相关系数(0.61)。结论压疮愈合计分表(PUSH)在压疮护理的应用中效果显著,能有效评价压疮的愈合情况,值得在临床推广。 Objective To study the application effect of pressure ulcer scale for healing(PUSH)in II,III stage pressure ulcers nursing.Methods From September 2016 to September 2017,to select 86 patients(191 spots)with pressure ulcers treated in our hospital,and PUSH was used to evaluate the dynamic changes of II and III stage pressure ulcers and record the results,Patients were randomly divided into two groups:professional group and training group,respectively monitored PUSH score by the nurse leader,the senior responsibility nurse(professional group),and the primary responsibility nurse(training group).The PUSH score of pressure ulcers nursing was compared between the two groups of patients before and after receiving nursing,find out the correlation between PUSH,wound area and pressure ulcer healing time.Results There was a statistically significant difference between the first and last PUSH scores in stage II and III pressure ulcers(P<0.05).There was no statistically significant difference in PUSH scores between the two groups of nursing staff using PUSH on pressure ulcers at the same time(P>0.05).The correlation coefficient between the wound area and pressure ulcer healing time was 0.85,which was significantly higher than the correlation coefficient of 0.61 between the conventional assessment of the wound area and the pressure ulcer healing time.Conclusion PUSH is effective in the application of pressure ulcer nursing and can effectively evaluate the healing of pressure ulcer,which was worthy of clinical promotion.
作者 邓美珍 DENG Mei-zhen
出处 《护理实践与研究》 2018年第8期150-151,共2页 Nursing Practice and Research
关键词 PUSH 压疮护理 应用效果 相关性 Pressure ulcer scale for healing Pressure ulcer nursing Application effect Correlation
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