
论民国时期道院暨世界红卍字会的合法性危机及其应对 被引量:1

The Crisis of Legitimacy and Countermeasures of the Red Swastika Society and the Tao Yuan in the Period of the Republic of China
摘要 世界红卍字会是源于道院的慈善组织,两者均在北京政府内务部立案,成为合法团体。1928年10月道院因与北洋官绅来往密切且带有迷信色彩而被查封,世界红卍字会却因慈善业绩突出而得以保存。南京国民政府成立后,国民党中央和国民政府从党政两方面,建立起较为完备的慈善团体监督体制,而监督的重点则是慈善团体的立案或重新立案。世界红卍字会为了能在新政权下获得合法性,只能顺从这种监督体制,力求获得各级党部的许可,进而在主管机关立案或备案。与华洋义赈会和中国红十字会相比,世界红卍字会的合法性比较脆弱,但民国时期特殊的政治经济环境,还是为它的生存和发展留下了较大的空间。 The Red Swastika Society stemmed from a charity organization of Tao Yuan,both of which were registered in the Beijing government's Department of the Interior and became legal groups.In October 1928,when Tao Yuan was closed because of its close relations with the local authorities and superstitious activities while the Red Swastika Society survived through its outstanding performance of charity.After the establishment of the Nanjing national government,the KMT established a comparatively complete supervision system for charities conducted by the party and the central national government.In order to gain legitimacy under the new regime,the Red Swastika Society could only comply with such a supervision system,seeking permission from party departments at all levels in order to be put record by competent authorities.Compared with China International Famine Relief Commission and the Red Cross Society of China,the World Red Swastika Society was weaker in terms of legitimacy.However,the special political and economic environment during the period of the Republic of China still provided larger space for its survival and development.
作者 王林 WANG Lin(College of History and Social development,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China)
出处 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2018年第2期25-32,共8页 Eastern Forum(JOURNAL OF QINGDAO UNIVERSITY)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"近代中国慈善组织公信力研究"(15BZS019) 山东省社会科学规划研究项目"山东慈善史"(14CLSJ05)
关键词 民国时期 道院 世界红卍字会 合法性 the Period of Republic of China Tao Yuan Red Swastika Society legitimacy
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