
建筑项目全寿命周期生态足迹测算模型 被引量:4

Full Life-cycle Eco-footprint Calculating Model of Building Projects
摘要 目前建筑项目的生态环境影响程度评价已成为了国内外的研究热点。本文界定了建筑项目全寿命周期生态足迹内涵,并提出了其相应的测算模型体系,分别涵盖建筑前期准备阶段、物化阶段、运营阶段、拆除及垃圾处理阶段4个阶段的生态足迹,用于预估评价项目全寿命周期对生态环境的影响程度。此模型体系弥补了现有生态足迹模型缺少考虑能源本身的生态足迹、缺少考虑CO_2生态足迹、或缺少考虑水资源和固体垃圾生态足迹的不足,扩展了建设项目生态足迹的研究应用范围。本文构建了建筑项目全寿命周期生态足迹测算模型,用于作为一个集合指标,全面预估评价建筑项目全寿命周期各个阶段消耗的能源、资源以及排放的CO_2和固体垃圾对生态环境的影响程度,为决策者制定生态最优方案提供了依据。 Assessment the environmental impact of a building project has become a hot topic recently.The concept of life-cycle eco-footprint of a building project was defined,and corresponding computational models containing the eco-footprint in 4 phases of a building project including preparation,materialization,operation,and demolition and waste disposal were proposed in this study,which were used to assess the environmental impact of a building project in life-cycle.The models also solved the deficiencies of current eco-footprint models which did not include either the eco-footprint of energy consumed,or carbon dioxide emitted,or water resource consumed,or solid waste produced in all phases of a building project.The former scope of application of eco-footprint of a building project was thus expanded.This paper constructs a full life cycle ecological footprint calculation model for construction projects,which is used as a set of indicators to comprehensively evaluate the impact of energy and resources consumed by various stages of the life cycle of the construction project and the impact of CO2 and solid waste on the ecological environment.This paper provides the basis for the decision makers to formulate the ecological optimal scheme.
作者 陈虹宇 滕佳颖 王彦玉 吴贤国 覃亚伟 CHEN Hong-yu;TENG Jia-ying;WANG Yan-yu;WU Xian-guo;QIN Ya-wei(Business School,the University of Sydney,Sydney 2006,Australia;School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China)
出处 《土木工程与管理学报》 北大核心 2018年第2期130-134,共5页 Journal of Civil Engineering and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金(51378235 71571078 51308240) 国家重点研发项目(2016YFC0800208) 教育部博士后基金(2015M570645) 湖北省自然科学基金(zrz2014000104) 武汉市建委科技项目(201414 201619 201334)
关键词 全寿命周期 生态评价 生态足迹 测算模型 可持续发展 full life cycle ecological assessment ecological footprint calculation model sustainable development
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