上位机控制串口打印机,需要由上位机通过串口发送打印控制命令给串口打印机,然后由打印机完成打印任务。开发平台Visual Studio 2010是一个集成环境,它简化了有关创建、调试和部署应用程序的基本任务,对测试先行的开发的集成支持和新的调试工具可实现快速查找和修复所有Bug,并有助于确保实现高质量解决方案,从而快速开发相关的应用系统。
PC control serial printer,it needs the host computer through the serial port to send print control commands to the serial printer,and then by the printer to complete the print job.Development Platform Visual Studio 2010 is an integrated environment that simplifies the basic tasks for creating,debugging and deploying applications.Integration support for test development and new debugging tools allow you to quickly find and fix all bugs and help you to ensure the realization of high-quality solutions,so as to quickly develop the relevant application system.
Guo Ruijun(Yunnan Posts and Telecommunications School,Kunming Yunnan 650214,China)
Information & Computer