

Design and realization of Chongqing soil moistureanalysis and evaluation system
摘要 结合重庆市墒情、水雨情等自动监测系统,考虑主要作物种类、分布区域、播种面积、耕作制度、生育期间各生长发育指标,以及不同区域、深度的田间持水量,对已建立土壤墒情监测点的地区,采用土壤相对湿度评估农业墒情;对于尚未建立墒情监测站但已建立雨量监测站点的雨养农业区,采用降水量距平法或连续无雨日数法,进行墒情分析评价,用衰减系数法预测墒情的变化趋势。采用B/S开发模式,利用Flex通过天地图在线服务进行地图显示,采取IIS发布模式,基于Web Services的数据服务模式,设计一套基于Web GIS的墒情监测分析评价预测系统,通过相关评价指标反映农林作物土壤的干旱情况,并能结合天气情况预测未来墒情数据,为安排农业用水提供技术支撑,减少干旱灾害损失。 Combining with the Chongqing soil moisture and hydrological automatic monitoring system,considering the field distribution types,the main crop area,planting area,farming system,the growth indices during crop growth period and water holding capacity of different regions and different depth,area,the soil relative humidity assessment of agricultural soil moisture for where has been established for soil moisture monitoring point;the precipitation anomaly method or the number of consecutive days without rain method has been used to analyze and evaluate the soil moisture,with the change trend of attenuation coefficient method to predict moisture for where not been established for soil moisture monitoring station but establish rainfall monitoring sites for rainfed agricultural region.Using B/S development model,through map world online services to realize map display using Flex,taking IIS publishing model,based on Web data service mode,the article designs a soil moisture content analysis and evaluation system based on WebGIS,reflects the drought conditions of crops soil moisture through the relevant evaluation index,and forecasts the future moisture data combining the weather.It provides technical support for the arrangement of agricultural water,reduces drought losses.
作者 曹小洁 杜红娟 李亚涛 CAO Xiaojie;DU Hongjuan;LI Yatao(Jiangsu Naiwch Corporation,Nanjing 210012,China;Nanjing Automation Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydrology,the Ministry of Water Resources,Nanjing 210012,China)
出处 《水利信息化》 2018年第2期44-48,共5页 Water Resources Informatization
关键词 土壤墒情 墒情预测 墒情分析 墒情评价 分析评价 设计与实现 soil moisture soil moisture forecast analysis of soil moisture evaluation of soil moisture analysis and evaluation design and realization
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