
循着马克思的路径完成马克思的工作--价值转形理论再探 被引量:15

Completing Marx's Work by Following Marx's Logic:Revisiting Transformation Theory
摘要 马克思在价值转形研究中运用五(多)部门数值例模型,说明了商品价值通过利润平均化转形为生产价格的数理关系。但他没有用这个数值例模型进一步推进按生产价格计算成本的转形研究。一个重要原因是,马克思数值例模型没有给出计算不变资本价值转形和可变资本价值转形的必要条件和方法。马克思的数值例模型不包含生产技术构成的完整信息,无法计算不变资本的生产价格,也不能确定净产品生产价格总量偏离其价值总量的必然性。转形理论必须在解决这一工具性缺失的前提下沿着马克思的研究路径继续推进。首先,需要添加生产的物质消耗矩阵;其次,净产品生产价格总量偏离其价值总量是沿着马克思研究路径继续前进的关键节点。本文从这一关键节点出发,用总剩余价值率不变取代剩余价值总量不变,构建广义转形数理模型,完成了马克思转形理论的数理推导;并且用中国与美国的投入产出表数据进行试算,得出若干初步结论。 When he constructed the scientific labor theory of value,Marx solved the biggest puzzle in the Ricardian School:the value of a commodity as decided by the socially necessary labor time is not consistent with the production price as decided by the equal return to factors in market competition.In Volume III of Capital,Marx used the categories of profit rate equalization and production price to construct transformation theory,connecting commodity value to production price.This proved that the production price of a commodity was based on the labor theory of value.Marx’s analysis did not gain wide acceptance and became known as the“onehundredyear puzzle”.Critics questioned whether the logic of transformation theory would remain consistent if the transformation process were generalized into cost price.This paper follows the research method of Marx’s transformation theory,generalizing the model of transformation to include cost price without finding any contradiction.Transformation theory became a onehundredyear puzzle because researchers diverged from Marx’s original research method.The key to solving the puzzle is to return to Marx’s method and look for the answer in his logic.In his study of value transformation,Marx used a five multisectors numerical example to explain the mathematical relation behind commodity value’s transformation into production price through profit equalization.However,he did not continue to use numerical models to further study transformation because they did not provide a proper way for calculating invariable capital and variable capital transformation.As the full information about product technique composition and the inputoutput relation between sectors were unknown,the production price of invariable capital could not be calculated.This calculation is necessary to derive the connection between the aggregate value and aggregate production price of net products.As such,the transformation of variable capital is not understood.We extend transformation theory by including these missing tools,following Marx’s research motivation.This paper makes three major contributions.First,by analyzing Marx’s logic,we find that Marx had to use the multisectors numerical example in his research.Although Marx’s lack of today’s advanced mathematical tools kept him from constructing a generalized transformation model,his numerical example is consistent with the theoretical perspective of the labor theory of value.This implies that any extension of transformation theory must rely on the integral logic of the labor theory of value.Any model that introduces superfluous conditions such as restrictions on reproduction and the real wage vector will certainly diverge from Marx’s theory.Second,we point out that according to Marx’s logic,the net product production price is bound to deviate from its value.This is the key point for advancing research.If we admit that the net product production price will deviate from its value but insist on the surplus value not changing,then the surplus value rate must change.There is a lack of evidence for this in Marx’s theoretical setup.One requirement of Marx’s transformation theory is that the aggregate surplus value rate,which reflects the comparison of powers in a given period,must remain unchanged.Profit equalization is a process of market competition between capitalists,and the power comparison between labor and capital and the rate of exploitation will not and should not change.Following this argument,the generalized transformation model of a C system we develop in this paper forces an unchanged aggregate surplus value rate.We give the equations for the production price in comparative static and dynamic iterations and prove the existence of solutions to these equations.Third,we empirically test the value transformation model.We use China’s 2012 inputoutput table to calculate a series index in the value and production price systems and compare the result with other transformation theories.Preliminary evidence shows that the production price of the C system is closer to the market price than other solutions.
作者 陈旸 荣兆梓 晓鸥 CHEN Yang;RONG Zhaozi(School of Economics,Anhui University)
出处 《经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期183-198,共16页 Economic Research Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(15AJL002)和安徽大学博士科研启动经费(J01001319)的资助。
关键词 价值转形 物质消耗系数矩阵 净产品生产价格 总剩余价值率 Value Transformation Marx’s Research Access Material Consumption Coefficient Matrix Production Price of Net Products General Rate of Surplus Value
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