The banishments,riots and massacres were concurrent with the wide spreading rumors in most cases during the French Wars of Religion in the 16th century,which made rumors become a significant character of the French society during this period.As the representation of scare and anxiety of the French public,the rumors by virtue of function of‘violence triggering mechanism’actually gave impetus to the transformation of the perpetrators'identification from the victims to the protectors of justice,and intensified the course of violent activities.Facing the crisis of the religious conflicts and wars,the French public had their concern about the situation of religious communities which they were involved,and also had the anxieties relating to their identities.This reflected that the rumors and violence became the crucial means for the consolidation of religious communities and the strengthening of identification.As the major crisis of the French society in the second half of the 16th century and the obsession of the French people remaining in the following centuries,the issue of the community and that of the identification became the great challenges to the formation of the nation and the modernization of France.
World History