最近20年来,体裁理论、体裁分析以及体裁教学在我国学界呈现出方兴未艾的趋势。然而,国内的研究对新修辞学派体裁观的关注和应用仍然不足,这就不利于对专业或学术语篇进行多维度的有效分析。本期登载的丹麦哥本哈根大学Auken博士撰写的长文Understanding Genre,围绕"体裁是基于日常的情境而产生的典型性的社会行为"这一论断,阐述了该理论和实践研究最基本的六个特征。基于对该文的理解和国内研究现状,我们提出未来体裁研究的建议。
Genre and genre research have played key roles in linguistic research,especially in discourse analysis.However,insufficient endeavors have been focused on the genre research by the New Rhetoric School at home and abroad.This paper attempts to heel the insufficiencies through the introduction of the works Understanding Genre published in this issue,which defines genre as“typified rhetorical actions based in recurrent situations”.After retelling the six tenets to illustrate the above definition,the paper proposes some suggestions to develop and apply the theory in the future.The review on the points above is supposed to pave genre research into an extensive and well-developed field.
ZHU Wuhan(School of English Studies,Zhejiang International Studies University,Hangzhou 310023,China)
Journal of Zhejiang International Studies University