
膝骨关节炎关节镜下病变特征与血清CTX-Ⅱ和COMP水平的相关性 被引量:17

Knee osteoarthritis pathological changes characteristics under arthroscopy and the correlation with levels of serum CTX-Section Ⅱ and COMP
摘要 目的探讨膝骨关节炎患者血清中Ⅱ型胶原C端肽(CTX-Ⅱ)和软骨寡聚基质蛋白(COMP)的水平高低与膝骨关节病变之间的相关性。方法筛选出144例符合标准的患者,通过关节镜严格检查患者膝关节的炎症病变状况,观察半月板和软骨组织的损伤程度、滑膜增生情况以及是否存在游离体、骨赘,依据惯用标准对上述指标进行分级评价。检测血清CTX-Ⅱ和COMP水平,并分析二者和膝关节病变程度的相关性。结果患者血清中CTX-Ⅱ和COMP水平高低与关节软骨组织损伤程度、半月板损伤分级以及滑膜的增生程度有相关性(P<0.001),而与骨赘分级情况以及游离体大小无相关性(P>0.05)。结论血清CTX-Ⅱ和COMP水平高低在一定程度上反映出膝骨关节炎的病变程度,可以为临床上膝骨关节炎的分级诊断以及患者恢复情况提供参考价值。 Objective To investigate the correlation of patients with knee osteoarthritis the C-terminal peptide and serum collagen type(CTX-Ⅱ)and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein(COMP)levels and pathological changes of the knee joint.Methods The 144 cases with knee osteoarthritis standard were selected.Operation process,the strict inspection by arthroscopy status of patients with knee joint inflammation pathological changes,the meniscus and the injury degree of cartilage were recorded and observed,synovial hyperplasia situation and whether existence of free body,osteophyte,according to the standard grading,the above indexes and conventional detection of serum CTX-Ⅱand COMP levels were evaluated,and analyzed the levels of serum CTX-Ⅱand COMP and knee lesion degree of correlation.Results CTX-Ⅱand COMP levels in serum were correlated with articular cartilage injury degree,degree of meniscus injury classification and synovial hyperplasia(P<0.001),and osteophyte grading and free body size had no relevance(P>0.05).Conclusions Serum CTX-Ⅱand COMP levels height to a certain extent,reflects the degree of knee osteoarthritis pathological changes,can provide reference for patients with knee osteoarthritis classification diagnosis and clinical recovery.
作者 贾博 林福庆 JIA Bo;LIN Fu-qing(SectionⅡ,Dept of Orthopaedics,the People′s Hospital of Liuhe District of Nanjing City,Nanjing,Jiangsu211500,China)
出处 《临床骨科杂志》 2018年第2期185-189,共5页 Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics
基金 南京市科技发展计划项目(编号:201605072)
关键词 膝骨关节炎 Ⅱ型胶原C端肽 软骨寡聚基质蛋白 软骨损伤 滑膜增生 knee osteoarthritis CTX-Ⅱ COMP cartilage injuries synovial hyperplasia
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