
战后日本对外援助的动态演进及其援助战略分析——基于欧美的比较视角 被引量:12

An Analysis of the Dynamic Evolution of Post-War Japan's Foreign Aid and International Strategy: A Comparison with Euro-American Perspectives
摘要 国际发展援助模式的比较和演进一直是国际政治经济学领域的重要研究课题。同样重要的是对不同路径选取背后的战略考量。随着中国对外援助的迅速增加,如何借鉴他国经验和教训来优化中国对外援助正变得日益重要。日本的对外援助一直是国际学界和政策界关注的重要议题,这不仅是因为其在提供国际发展援助上的长期巨大体量,更在于其虽在意识形态和地缘政治范畴属于西方阵营,却具有不同于欧美且相对独立的国际发展援助政策,因而日本对外援助是一个有价值的参考系。文章基于日本近60年来的国际发展援助数据,采用比较分析框架,对日本二战后对外援助的动态演进进行了翔实的数据分析。文章认为,日本对外援助数据显示出其具有三个明显不同的阶段,而这三个阶段与其1954年加入"科伦坡计划"以来经历的探索发展期、谋求政治大国期、独立风格成型期高度契合。文章通过探讨其不断演进背后的战略考量,有助于理解日本战后国际发展援助的动态路径演变及其背后国际形势和日本国内发展之间的内在逻辑,对优化中国对外援助提供了重要的研究基础。 The comparison and evolution of the approach of international aid have long been critical topics of research in the field of international political economy.An equally important question is the state strategy underlying the selection of different policy paths.With the rapid increase in China’s foreign aid,the question of how to borrow from the lessons and experiences of other countries to enhance Chinese aid has become more and more important.Japan is in particular a very valuable case to study.Japan’s foreign aid has long attracted the focus of international academic and policy research circles,not only because of the massive size of the foreign assistance that Japan has provided over the long term,but also because it aligns closely with Western states in terms of its ideology and geo-political perspective.At the same time though,it also has a foreign aid policy that is relatively independent of and distinct from those of Europe and America.Based on a dataset relevant to international development aid over the past 60 years,and applying a comparative framework for analysis,we attempt a detailed statistical study of the dynamic evolution of Japan’s foreign aid since the end of World War II by considering the logical relationship between it and Japan’s constantly evolving national interests and national strategy.We find that there are three distinct phases in the history of Japan’s foreign assistance,these being a period of exploratory development from its entry into the“Colombo Plan”in 1954;a period during which it sought major state status;and a period during which it shaped its own independent style.The findings of this study are not only helpful for understanding through statistical analysis the internal logic behind the dynamic evolutional path Japan’s post-war development aid has taken and the underlying international context and domestic developments and national strategy behind it,but also provides an important foundation for optimizing China’s own foreign aid.
作者 赵剑治 欧阳喆 Zhao Jianzhi;Ouyang Zhe(the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University)
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期92-125,158,159,共35页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
基金 斯坦福大学亚太研究中心Shorenstein博士后奖学金 复旦大学新进教师科研启动经费 复旦大学陈树渠比较政治研究中心的资助
关键词 日本对外援助 动态演进 援助战略 欧美比较 Japan’s Foreign Assistance Dynamic Evolution Aid Strategy Euro-American Comparative Perspective
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