
不同成熟阶段及品种对全株小麦营养成分和瘤胃降解特性的影响 被引量:10

Effects of Different Maturity Stages and Breeds on Nutritional Components and Rumen Degradation Characteristic of Whole Crop Wheat
摘要 本研究旨在通过研究不同成熟阶段及品种对全株小麦营养成分和瘤胃降解特性的影响,为全株小麦应用于奶牛饲粮提供数据参考。试验采用山农22026(SN22026)和山农82567(SN82567)2个品种的小麦,样品采集期为2015年3月下旬至6月中旬。试验测定了不同成熟阶段全株小麦干物质(DM)、粗蛋白质(CP)、淀粉、粗灰分、有机物、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)、酸性洗涤木质素(ADL)含量及饲料相对饲喂价值,并用3头体重约500 kg的装有瘤胃瘘管荷斯坦奶牛测定了小麦瘤胃降解率。结果表明:1)蜡熟期全株小麦的DM含量显著高于其他各期(P<0.05);全株小麦的CP含量在成熟过程中逐渐减少,开花期后CP含量保持稳定;随着小麦的成熟,全株小麦的NDF、ADF和ADL含量呈先增加后减少的趋势。2)全株小麦单位DM的总能在成熟过程中呈下降趋势,泌乳净能呈先下降后增加的趋势。3)全株小麦DM、CP和NDF的有效降解率在拔节期最高,抽穗期和开花期显著降低(P<0.05),乳熟期和蜡熟期又显著升高(P<0.05)。4)全株小麦的瘤胃降解蛋白质(RDP)含量在拔节期最高,显著高于其他各期(P<0.05);抽穗期显著降低(P<0.05),开花期降至最低(P<0.05),开花期后逐渐升高(P>0.10);而瘤胃非降解蛋白质含量在小麦成熟过程中逐渐下降,蜡熟期最低,显著低于其他各期(P<0.05)。由此可见,本试验2个品系全株小麦相比,仅在几个指标中有显著差异。每个成熟阶段的全株小麦饲养价值都很高,但不同成熟阶段全株小麦的营养价值、产量和瘤胃降解特性存在显著的差异。 This experiment was conducted to study effects of different maturity stages and breeds on nutritional components and rumen degradation characteristic of whole crop wheat,and to provided reference and guidance for the application of whole plant wheat in dairy cattle diets.The experiment used two varieties of wheat which were Shannong 22026(SN22026)and Shannong 82567(SN82567).Samples were collected from late March to mid June at 2015.The contents of dry matter(DM),crude protein(CP),starch,crude ash(Ash),organic matter,neutral detergent fiber(NDF),acid detergent fiber(ADF),acid detergent lignin(ADL)and relative feed value were measured,and rumen degradability of wheat was measured use three fistula Holstein cows with a weight of about 500 kg.The results showed as follows:1)the DM content of whole crop wheat in dough stage was significantly higher than that in other stages(P<0.05).The CP content of whole crop wheat gradually decreased during maturation,and remained stable after flowering stage.With the maturity of wheat,the contents of NDF,ADF and ADL in whole crop wheat showed the trend of increased firstly and then decreased.2)With the maturity of wheat,the gross energy of dry matter of whole crop wheat showed a decreased trend,and the net energy of lactation showed the trend of decreased firstly and then increased.3)The effective degradabilities of DM,CP and NDF of whole crop wheat were highest in the jointing stage,and significantly decreased in heading stage and flowering stage(P<0.05),then significantly increased in milk stage and dough stage(P<0.05).4)The rumen degradation protein(RDP)content of whole crop wheat was highest in jointing stage and significantly higher than that in other stages(P<0.05),then significantly decreased in heading stage(P<0.05),and decreased to lowest in flowering stage(P<0.05),and gradually increased after flowering stage(P>0.10).The rumen undegraded protein content decreased gradually with wheat maturity,the lowest value was in dough stage and significantly lower than that in other stages(P<0.05).In conclusion,comparison of two species of whole crop wheat,only a few indices have significant differences.Moreover,each mature stage of the whole crop wheat breeding value is very high,however,the nutritional value,yield and rumen degradability characteristics of whole plant wheat in different maturity stages have significantly different.
作者 胡志勇 张甜 王金新 董旭晟 林雪彦 王中华 HU Zhiyong;ZHANG Tian;WANG Jinxin;DONG Xusheng;LIN Xueyan;WANG Zhonghua(College of Animal Science and Technology,Shandong Agricultural University,Tai’an 271018,China)
出处 《动物营养学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期1333-1343,共11页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANIMAL NUTRITION
基金 国家自然科学基金(31772624) 国家自然科学基金(31572427) 国家现代农业(奶业)产业技术体系(CARS-36) 山东省牛产业技术体系(SDAIT-12-011-06)
关键词 全株小麦 奶牛 营养成分 瘤胃降解率 whole crop wheat cow nutritional components rumen degradation rate
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