目的飞针点刺治疗小儿咳嗽,虽然取得了不错的效果,仍需不断完善,发此文进行总结,希望同道指正。方法方便选取该院门诊2015年1-12月就诊的咳嗽患者24例为研究对象。年龄为3~7岁,发病时间为1~7 d,男患儿15例,女患儿9例。主穴:膺窗、灵墟、胸乡、库房、域中、中府、气户、俞府、云门、天突、膻中、大椎、陶道、身柱、肺俞。配穴:迎香、地仓、风府、脾俞、上脘、梁门、中脘、天枢、四缝、肾俞、膏肓俞。飞针点刺外配以刺络放血。诊断标准来源于《中医内科病症诊断标准》:(1)治愈:咳嗽及临床体征消失,内伤咳嗽在2周以上未发作者为临床治愈。(2)好转:咳嗽减轻,痰量减少。(3)未愈:症状无明显改善。结果 24例患者中一个疗程治愈14例,2个疗程后痊愈5例,2个以上疗程痊愈者2例,好转者2例,无效者1例。结论飞针点刺治疗小儿咳嗽疗效好,安全。
Objective Although using abscess needle and pricking method for children’s cough treatment has achieved a good effect,but this method still needs to be improved.This paper tries to to summarize this method and show the effects,and any coorections will be welcomed.Methods 24 cases of cough patients in the clinic from 1 to December 2015 were selected as the subjects.The age was 3~7 years old and the onset time was 1~7 days,15 male children and 9 female children.The main points;Yingchuang,lingxu,xiongxiang.The warehouse area,in the palace,gas,Yu Fu,cloud gate.The Trinid process.Danzhong.Dazhui Taodao,body,column,feishu.Acupoints;Ying Xiang,Dicang,Fengfu,Pishu,Wan,liangmen,Zhongwan,tianshu.Four seam,Shenshu,gaohuangshu.The needle punctured with spines and blood letting.The diagnostic criteria came from the diagnostic criteria of Chinese medicine internal medicine:(1)cured:cough and clinical signs disappeared,and internal injury cough was over 2 weeks.Improve:cough and reduce the amount of phlegm.The condition:symptoms without obvious improvement.Results In the children of 24 cases,14 cases were cured after the first course,5 cases were cured after two courses,2 cases were cured after more than two courses,and we still got 2 cases were recovered,and 1 was invalid.Conclusion Needle prick is effective and safe in the treatment of children's cough.
LIANG Yan(Boaitang Chinese Medicine Hospital,Beijing,100069 China)
China & Foreign Medical Treatment
Abscess needle
Children’s cough
Clinical efficacy