
基于Docker的电网轻量级PaaS平台构建方案 被引量:6

Construction Scheme of Lightweight PaaS Platform based on Docker
摘要 随着以Docker为代表的容器技术在国内的迅速发展,基于Docker的企业私有云也在逐步推广应用。近些年,云南电网有限责任公司应用云计算虚拟化技术搭建的云计算管理平台取得了良好的经济效益,节省了大量的硬件资源投入,但传统的平台系统和虚拟化技术在业务系统平台资源的动态伸缩、高效迁移部署等方面尚无较好的支撑,这些业务系统未来的可用性和可维护性将面临巨大挑战。针对这些问题,笔者提出了一种基于开源Docker容器虚拟化技术来搭建一套企业私有PaaS云平台的方案,通过基于Docker的容器虚拟化、面向服务的分布式架构设计、基于Docker的服务发现、基于私有云的环境配置管理等技术手段,构建针对企业级系统研发的PaaS平台。实践表明,基于Docker的PaaS平台在资源的动态伸缩和高效迁移部署方面有较好的效果,能提升运维效率、提高资源利用率。 With the rapid development of container technology represented by Docker,the private cloud based on Docker is gradually being popularized and applied.In recent years,Yunnan Power Grid Co.,Ltd.applied cloud computing virtualization technology to build a cloud computing management platform,which has achieved good economic benefits and saved a lot of hardware resources.But the traditional platform system and virtualization technology has no better support in the business system platform resources of the dynamic scalability,efficient migration and deployment,the future of these business systems availability and maintainability will face enormous challenges.In order to solve these problems,the author proposes a scheme based on open source Docker container virtualization technology to build a private PaaS cloud platform.Based on Docker's container virtualization,serviceoriented distributed architecture design,Docker-based service discovery,and private cloud-based environment configuration management,the PaaS platform for enterprise-class system development is constructed..The practical application shows that the Docker-based PaaS platform has a good effect on the dynamic scaling and efficient migration and deployment of resources,which can improve the operation and maintenance efficiency and improve the resource utilization rate.
作者 张羿 胡永华 黄丁 Zhang Yi;Hu Yonghua;Huang Ding(Yunnan Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Kunming Yunnan 650011,China)
出处 《信息与电脑》 2017年第11期75-78,共4页 Information & Computer
关键词 DOCKER PAAS 容器云 Docker PaaS cloud container
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