The Houtaomuga(Hou To og)Site in Da5an City,Jilin Province is an important site on the right bank of the lower reach of the Nenjiang River containing the remains of the Neolithic A g e?Bronze A g e,the Liao and Jin Dynasties,and so on.The five-year continuing archaeological excavation to this site in 2011-2015 obtained significant results.The four kinds of cultures of the Neolithic Age found in this site made up some missing links in the chronological sequence of the prehistoric archaeological cultures in the middle and lower reaches of the Nenjiang River,and enriched the understandings to the connotations and genealogical relationships of the prehistoric cultures in this region.Of these remains,the Phases I and III are two new archaeological cultures identified for the first time in the middle and lower reaches of the Nenjiang River,especially the remains of Phase I,which is the earliest Neolithic culture found to date in Northeast China,the date of which is 1 3_11 ka BP.The discovery of the remains of Phase II confirmed that the previously suggested^Huangjia Weizi Typew is also an independent archaeological culture which should be isolated from the generally called rtA ngJangxi Culture55 in the past.The discovery of the remains of Phase IV enriched the connotations of the Hamin Mangha Culture in some sense.Referring to the relevant archaeological discoveries nearby the Houtaomuga Site,this paper tries to establish the chronological sequence of the Neolithic cultures in the middle and lower reaches of the Nenjiang River as the following:Houtaomuga Phase I Culture-Changtuozi Type A-Shuangta Phase I Culture-Huangjia Weizi Culture-Houtaomuga Phase III Culture-Hamin Mangha Culture-AngJangxi Culture,which laid chronological foundation for the comprehensive studies on the Neolithic cultures in this region.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica