

Research of Guanzhong City Walls and Moats Construction Tablets Inscriptions of Ming and Qing Dynasty
摘要 明清时期城池建修结束后,多树碑记事,城工碑记一般是由城池沿革与区位介绍、城工具体内容、竣工之后士绅感慨三部分组成。明清时期城工碑记主要是由地方官员、地方士绅所撰写,明清两代略有差异,根据城工工费来源不同撰写者亦有不同,此外碑记的字数不等,整体而言明代碑记较清代为长。因碑记要达取信于人之目的,故其体例要求在撰述中兼载工程前因后果和来龙去脉,又特别强调官民在工程中的贡献,要求上述内容相互关联,俱载始终,并传于后世系之以赞。碑记因所载史实相当丰富且详细,展示了明清近600年的城建画面,为复原区域或单体城池建修的历史面貌,揭示区域城工建修的来龙去脉与工程细节,可以为明清时期城垣建修研究提供更多实证案例。 During the Ming and Qing period,stone tablets were often made to commemorate the completion of city walls and moats construction.These tablets inscriptions are generally composed of three parts,i.e.introductions about city walls and moats transformation and location,specific contents of constructions,and emotional remarks from the local gentry after completion.The tablets inscriptions were mostly written by local officials and local gentry.There are minor differences between those written in the Ming Dynasty and those written in the Qing Dynasty.The writers are varied with different sources of construction expenses.The number of words of tablets inscriptions are also varied.Generally speaking,tablets inscriptions of the Ming Dynasty are longer than those of the Qing Dynasty.As tablets inscriptions were intended to be credible,the style of writing required recordings of the antecedents and consequences,the origins and developments of the project,and special emphasis on the contributions made by officials and the people.The above-mentioned contents should be coherent and would be inherited and praised by later generations.Historical facts recorded in tablets inscriptions are rather rich and detailed,depicting vivid pictures of city construction in nearly 600 years of the Ming and Qing Dynasty.These inscriptions are useful for the restoration of historical picture of regional or singular city walls and moats construction,reveal the origins and developments and engineering details of regional city construction,and provide a great number of concrete cases for research on city walls and moats construction in the Ming and Qing Dynasty.
作者 魏欣宝 Wei Xinbao
出处 《中国地方志》 2018年第2期90-102,127,共14页 China Local Records
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"西北地区灾害环境与城乡发展的历史研究"(项目编号:16JJD770029)阶段性成果
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