
清末川藏地区建设电报通讯之研究 被引量:5

A Study on the Telegram Communication Construction in Sichuan-Tibet Areas during the Late Period of the Qing Dynasty
摘要 建设电报通讯是清政府有效统治川藏地区、应对侵略的重要措施,也是宣示及维护主权的行为。文章较全面地分析了清末川藏地区电报通讯的由来及延展状况,并结合邮政,从电报线路的选择说明邮电建设与清政府加强对藏区统治是同步的。西藏地区建设电报通讯,不仅涉及到利权,更是中国政府行使主权的反映。通过对清末三个涉藏条约的分析,发现西藏地区架线通讯是清朝与英国"斗"出来的结果,是挽救对西藏地区的主权。清政府之所以不急于联线川藏而先建设拉萨至江孜电线,目的在于早日赎回英人架设的电线,取消英人已攫取的特权。川藏地区电报通讯说明,近现代通讯在边疆地区是因兵事而起,因兵事而延展。川藏地区电报只能采取官办官营而非官督商办或官商合办,这是清末发展边疆地区电讯业的一个重要特点。 The construction of telegram communication was an important measure for the Qing government to rule the Sichuan-Tibet areas and cope with aggression efficiently;meanwhile,it was also an act of announcing and safeguarding sovereignty.This article gives a relatively comprehensive analysis to the origin and development of the telegram communication in Sichuan-Tibet areas during the late period of the Qing dynasty.It indicates that the telegram construction and the Qing government s reinforcing of its rule were synchronous.The telegram construction in Tibet was not only about the benefits and rights,but also reflected the Chinese government s exercise of sovereignty in Tibet.Through an analysis on the three treaties concerned Tibet in the late period of the Qing dynasty,this article stresses that the cable communication in Tibet region was a result of the Qing government s“fighting”with the Britain,which was an action of the Qing government to rescue or express its sovereignty in Tibet.The reason why the Qing government was in no hurry to connect the lines between Sichuan and Tibet,but to construct the electric wires between Lhasa and Jiangzi at first was for the purpose of redeeming the electric wires put up by the Britain as soon as possible,and canceling the privilege of the British people there.The telegram communication in Sichuan-Tibet areas indicates that the modern communications in the borderland areas was developed and expanded for military purpose.Due to this purpose,the telegram communication was allowed to be constructed and run only by the official agencies,but not be supervised and run by the official agencies or run with a cooperation between the officials and businessmen.
作者 秦和平 Qin Heping
出处 《中国边疆史地研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期142-153,216,共13页 China's Borderland History and Geography Studies
基金 西南民族大学研究生学位点建设项目(2015-XWD-B0304)资助
关键词 清末 川藏地区 电报通讯 加强统治 维护主权 the Late Period of the Qing Dynasty Sichuan-Tibet areas Telegram Communication Reinforcing the Ruling Safeguarding the Sovereignty
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