
明代以来方志文献中明十三陵的历史书写和角色转变 被引量:1

Historical Writings and Role Changes of the 13 Ming Tombs in Local Records Literature Since the Ming Dynasty
摘要 明十三陵是北京昌平重要的历史遗迹,明代以来昌平地方志中关于明十三陵的书写方式和内容各有不同,由此建构起来的明十三陵的历史角色也不断发生变化。明代方志将明陵视为王朝的根本重地,期望国祚永昌。清初的明遗民把明十三陵作为明朝的象征,寄托对故国的怀念。清初的官方志书将明十三陵看作前朝遗迹,其书写强调清廷对明陵的保护,借以宣扬清朝的厚德仁义,从而维护其统治,清后期方志中这种思想逐渐减弱。新方志则将明十三陵视为文化遗产,其书写凸显其文化遗产价值,目的是为了更好地保护文化遗产,传承中华文明。明十三陵的角色转变是由于书写者所处的历史环境、个人立场和思想意识不同造成的。 The 13 Ming Tombs are important historical relics in Changping,Beijing.The writing methods and contents about the 13 Ming Tombs in Changping local records since Ming Dynasty are markedly different,and the historical role of them built upon this also kept changing constantly.Local records of Ming Dynasty saw the Ming Tombs area as a place of fundamental importance for the imperial court,and expected the imperial fortune could be sustained forever.The adherents of Ming Dynasty in early Qing Dynasty saw the 13 Ming Tombs as emblems of the Ming Dynasty that harbored their rememberance for the native country.Official local records in early Qing Dynasty saw the 13 Ming Tombs as relics from the previous imperial court,emphasized the Qing Court s protection over the Ming Tombs,and used them to propagate Qing Dynasty s benevolence and righteousness so as to strengthen Qing Dynasty s rule,but these thoughts gradually weakened in local records of the late Qing Dynasty.New local records see the 13 Ming Tombs as cultural relics,writings of which highlight their value as cultural relics,with the aim of better protecting these cultural relics and inheriting the Chinese civilization.The role changes of the 13 Ming Tombs were caused by historical environment,personal standpoints,and different ways of thinking on the parts of the writers.
作者 刘少华 Liu Shaohua
机构地区 故宫博物院
出处 《中国地方志》 2018年第3期39-47,125,共10页 China Local Records
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