
基于认知—行为理论的交通方式选择行为研究 被引量:3

Study of Travel Mode Choice Based on Cognitive-Behavioral Theory
摘要 为研究乘客在公共交通出行方式选择上的心理决策过程,结果显示引入认知-行为理论,以乘客心理认知作为交通方式选择的主要影响因素。首先,建立结构方程模型,提取表征乘客满意度的主要指标,并用满意度量化乘客选择公共交通出行时的认知信息;其次,以乘客满意度作为出行方式特性变量建立基于认知的logit模型;最后结合武汉市有轨电车T6线路乘客满意度调查数据,对提出的认知-行为理论进行实例分析。结果显示乘客满意度对公交出行方式选择决策具有重要作用,乘客满意度越高,其选择公共交通出行的概率越大。 In order to study the passengers'psychological decision-making process on public transportation choice,the paper reckons mental cognition as essential influential factors on passenger mode choice by virtue of the cognitive-behavioral theory.A structural equation model was established to extract main indexes of passenger satisfaction,with the satisfaction to quantify the cognitive information of passengers when choosing public transportation.Establish the logit model based on cognitive theory which take passenger satisfaction as the characteristic variable of travel mode.Finally,based on the data of passenger satisfaction survey on tram line T6 in Wuhan,an example is given to analyze the proposed cognition behavior theory.The result shows that passenger satisfaction has crucial effects on mode choice decision,and passengers are likely to take the transit for trip with the great satisfaction in service quality.
作者 张倩 范文豪 ZHANG Qian;FAN Wen-hao(Hubei Urban Construction Design Institute Co.,Ltd,Wuhan 430051,China;CCCC Urban-rural Construction Planning Consultants Co.,Ltd,Wuhan 430052,China)
出处 《交通与运输》 2018年第A01期28-31,44,共5页 Traffic & Transportation
关键词 公共交通 方式选择 乘客满意度 认知-行为理论 LOGIT模型 Public transportation Mode choice Passenger satisfaction Cognitive-Behavioral theory Logit model
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