

Study on the Efficiency and Taper-angle of Laser Machining Assisted by Coaxial Waterjet
摘要 对液体环境条件下的同轴水射流辅助激光加工技术及其加工机理进行了初步研究,并建立了加工实验装置,分别研究了加工效率和加工锥度随激光能量、水射流流速、喷口与工件间隙的变化规律。实验结果表明:同轴水射流辅助激光加工效率随着激光能量、水射流流速的增加而提高,当喷口与工件间隙约为3 mm时加工效率较高;加工微孔的锥度随着激光能量、水射流流速的增加而减小、随着喷口与工件间隙的增加而增大,当间隙大于5 mm时锥度基本保持不变。最终,利用优化的工艺参数,加工出锥度约为2°且无热影响层、再铸层和微裂纹的表面完整性好的微孔。 This paper studied the laser micromachining assisted by coaxial waterjet in the liquid,in which the machining mechanisms were researched and an experimental setup has been developed.Experiments were carried out to investigate the influences of laser energy,waterjet flow speed,and the gap between the nozzle and workpiece on both the machining efficiency and taper angle.Experimental results indicated that the highest machining efficiency could be obtained with a gap of 3 mm between the nozzle and workpiece,and a higher laser energy level and large waterjet flow speed is preferred to increasing the machining efficiency of laser machining.Additionally,a smaller taper angle could be produced with a higher laser energy level,waterjet flow speed and smaller gap between the nozzle and workpiece.Finally,micro holes with taper angle of 2°,and free of heat affected zone,recast layer and micro cracks were processed by using optimized parameters.
作者 王玉峰 王斌 张广义 张文武 WANG Yufeng;WANG Bin;ZHANG Guangyi;ZHANG Wenwu(Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Ningbo 315201,China)
出处 《电加工与模具》 2018年第3期35-38,共4页 Electromachining & Mould
基金 浙江省公益技术应用研究项目(2017C31082) 宁波市国际合作项目(2017D10007) 国家自然科学基金"两化融合"重点项目(U1609208) 中国科学院装备研制项目(YZ201535)
关键词 激光加工 同轴水射流 加工效率 锥度 热影响层 laser machining coaxial waterjet machining efficiency taper angle heat affected zone
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