为了满足航空领域对复杂高温合金部件的需要,激光立体成形增材制造技术逐渐在高温合金部件成形制造领域得到应用。针对Rene 104高温合金的激光立体成形进行了初步实验研究,发现激光立体成形的Rene 104高温合金试样存在严重的氧化问题。为了解决氧化问题,通过一系列的氧气浓度测试实验对氧化物的形成机理进行了分析,提出了一种在激光立体成形过程中控制氧化的方法,并对其进行了验证。结果表明:通过控制氧化的方法,可使Rene 104高温合金在激光立体成形过程中的氧化问题得到有效的解决。
In order to meet the increasing demand for complex-shaped components in aeronautical and naval industry,laser solid forming technology has been used to manufacture Rene 104 superalloy parts.However,Rene 104 superalloy does not own adequate oxidation resistance under thermal cycling conditions and in this study Rene 104 samples made by laser solid forming revealed severe oxidation problem.The formation mechanism of oxides was analyzed according to the result from the oxygen concentration test and a new method to control oxidation was proposed in this study based on the formation mechanism of oxides.The new method was tested by experiments and the result showed that the oxidation of Rene 104 superalloy was prevented effectively.
YING Weisheng;HAN Fuzhu(Beijing Key Lab of Precision/Ultra-precision Manufacturing Equipments and Control,Department of Mechanical Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China)
Electromachining & Mould