

The Era Characteristics of LIANG Qi-chao's Achievement of Historiography
摘要 梁启超在历史编纂上突出地体现了勇于革新创造和自觉继承中国史学优良传统二者的紧密结合,这正是20世纪初期处于民族危机关头和中西文化交流迅速发展时代的鲜明特色。他在历史编纂中的主要成就表现为:在当代史撰述上将纪事本末体创造性地改造发展,撰成《戊戌政变记》这部影响深远之作;在撰著《中国通史》的实践中,将探索"新综合体"这一宏大工程向前推进了一大步;他为当时正在进行的《清史》编纂所设计的方案,既继承了易代修史的传统,又符合近代史著再现历史演进趋势、显示因果关系、总结兴亡教训的时代要求。梁氏在历史编纂学领域所取得的卓越建树,为我们提供了宝贵的智慧和思想营养。 LIANG Qi-chao is the leader of the new trend of modern academic culture.His study of historiography distinctly embodies the close combination of innovation and conscious inheritance of the fine tradition of Chinese historiography,which precisely is the distinctive features of the times in early stage of the 20th century when China was facing the national crisis and the rapid development of cultural exchanges between China and the West.He has made important achievements in three important areas of historiography:in his writing of contemporary history,he transformed and developed the style of records of chronological historical events creatively,and completed the Memoirs of the Coup d’Etat of 1898,a work with a far-reaching influence;in his practice of writing General History of China,he took a great step forward in exploring the grand project“new synthesis”,and completed the Historical Records of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Historical Records of the Warring States Period,the general history parts highly acclaimed by modern famous historians;he designed the plan for the compilation of The History of Qing Dynasty which was in progress at that time,during which his aim is not only to inherit the tradition of compiling history when after dynastic change,but also conform to the de?mands of the time to reappear the trend of historical evolution,to show the causality,and to summarize the lessons of rise and fall.undoubtedly,Liang's outstanding achievements in the field of historiography is a rich academic heritage,which is worth being summarized deeply by us and from which we can get valuable wisdom and thought nutrition.
作者 陈其泰 CHEN Qi-tai
出处 《北京行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期95-103,共9页 Journal of Beijing administration institute
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(09ZSA001)
关键词 梁启超 历史编纂学 “公车上书” 《清史商例初稿》 LIANG Qi-chao historicalgraphy Gongche Shangshu movement 《a phliminary draft of the Qing Dynasty》








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