
页岩气开发水资源利用分析——以恩施州为例 被引量:3

Water Resources Utilization in Shale Gas Exploitation:A Case Study of Enshi Prefecture
摘要 近年来,美国"页岩气革命"的成功,带动了全球各国页岩气开发的高速发展。我国也在持续跟进相关产业的发展,以期在能源领域获得更多的自给。目前国际上页岩气开发相关的研究主要集中在增产、增效以及环境影响等方面;国内研究页岩气开发主要集中在助产、增效上,而在水资源影响方面研究较少。以恩施州页岩气开发为例,通过对当地水资源状况及开采页岩气需水量进行分析,研究页岩气开发对水资源的影响。结果表明:恩施州水资源利用率较低,3个富气页岩区块开采用水量占可用水资源量比重不大,页岩气资源对当地的水资源利用影响很小。但是由于考虑到供水能力等的影响,如果页岩气集中在相对较小的区域大规模且短时间内取水,仍会对开采区造成一定的负担,对当地生态造成一定的影响。 In recent years,the success of shale gas revolution in the United States has led to the rapid development of shale gas exploitation worldwide.China is also steadily following up the development of related industries in order to gain more self-sufficiency in the field of energy.At present,research on shale gas exploitation in the world mainly focuses on augmenting production,increasing efficiency and environmental impact;while in China,researches are mainly focused on increasing production and efficiency rather than its impact on water resources.With the shale gas exploitation in Enshi Prefecture as a case study,we investigated into the impact of shale gas exploitation on water resources by examining the local water resources situation and water demand of shale gas exploitation.Results revealed low rate of water resources utilization and a small influence of shale gas exploitation on water resources.The water consumption of shale gas exploitation in three counties of Enshi endowed with abundant shale gas resource accounted for a not big proportion of available water resources amount.Given the water supply capacity,however,water consumption of high intensity in short-term in a small area would still affect the local ecology.
作者 沈泽锋 夏玉强 SHEN Ze-feng;XIA Yu-qiang(Water Resources Department,Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute,Wuhan 430010,China;Wuhan Hydrology and Water Resources Survey Bureau,Wuhan 430073,China)
出处 《长江科学院院报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期36-39,45,共5页 Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute
关键词 页岩气开发 水资源消耗 水体污染 管理保护 恩施州 shale gas exploitation water resources consumption water pollution management and protection Enshi Prefecture
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