
产后延伸护理服务模式在基层医院妇产科的应用体会 被引量:12

Application experience of postpartum extended nursing service model in obstetrics and gynecology department of primary hospital
摘要 目的探讨分析产后延伸护理服务模式在基层医院妇产科的应用。方法选择2016年12月~2017年12月,在我院住院看护的120位产妇作为研究对象,将这120例产妇随机分成对照组和观察组,各60例。对照组产妇在产后接受传统的护理服务模式,观察组产妇在产后试用延伸护理服务模式,观察比较两组的护理结果。结果对两组进行不同的护理模式之后,观察组产妇对自身护理常识的了解、对新生儿的看护常识的了解以及出院后对于自身的保健得分分别为85.64、92.25、89.36全部高于对照组产妇的53.47、49.32、52.24,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组的新生儿常见病症-新生儿红臀、湿疹、便秘、脐部不适等症状的发生例数分别为1、2、3、1明显少于对照组17、28、20、18不适症状例数,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组的产妇的产褥期并发症常见病症-乳或缺乳、乳腺炎、便秘、产褥期感染、子宫收缩痛等症状的发生概率分别为8.33%、5.33%、5.00%、1.67%、3.33%明显少于对照组的40.00%、41.67%、61.67%、33.33%、50.00%的病症发生率,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论产后延伸护理服务模式的临床运用,产妇的康复、新生儿保健及产褥期护理,有效的提高了产妇对自身以及新生儿的认识,有利于产妇更好地照顾自己以及新生儿。产后延伸护理服务模式不仅可以给予产妇专业的指导和帮助,还可以提高产妇对分娩和育儿的认知能力,避免产妇出院以后对自身和新生儿护理的脱节。 Objective To explore and analyze the application of postpartum extended nursing service model in obstetrics and gynecology of primary hospitals.Methods One hundred and twenty cases in our hospital were selected from December 2016 to December 2017,randomly divided into the control group and the observation group,60 cases in each group.The control group received the traditional nursing service mode after delivery,and the observation group used the extended nursing service mode after delivery.The nursing results of the two groups were observed and compared.Results After the two groups were given different nursing modes,the knowledge of the nursing knowledge of the mothers of the observation group,the knowledge of the nursing knowledge of the newborns and the scores of 85.64,92.25 and 89.36 for their own health care after discharge were 53.47,49.32 and 52.24 of the parturients in the control group respectively(P<0.05).The number of symptoms such as red buttock,eczema,constipation and umbilical discomfort in the newborn infants of the observation group were 1,2,3 and 1,respectively,less than 17,28,20 and 18 of the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The incidence of complications such as milk or lactation,mastitis,constipation,puerperium infection,and uterine contraction pain were 8.33%,5.33%,5%,1.67%and 3.33%,respectively,in the observation group,which were significantly less than 40%,41.67%,61.67%,33.33%and 50%in the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The clinical application of postpartum extended nursing service model,maternal rehabilitation,neonatal health care and puerperal nursing effectively improve maternal awareness of themselves and newborns,which is conducive to better care for themselves and newborns.The extended postpartum nursing service model can not only give professional guidance and help to the parturient,but also improve the parturient's cognitive ability to give birth and child care,and prevent the parturient from being divorced from the neonatal care after being discharged from the hospital.
作者 彭海燕 曾丽丽 陈丽红 叶香兰 PENG Haiyan;ZENG Lili;CHEN Lihong;YE Xianglan(Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,the People's hospital of Fengshun County,Fengshun 514300,China)
出处 《中国医药科学》 2018年第12期160-162,256,共4页 China Medicine And Pharmacy
关键词 产后延伸护理 产妇 常见病症 新生儿 Postpartum extended care Maternal Common symptoms The newborn
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