目的分析人感染H_7N_9禽流感病毒的流行特征,并对人感染H_7N_9禽流感与外界环境导致发病之间的关联进一步了解。方法分析自然因素、社会因素对人感染H_7N_9病毒流行特征的特点、影响因素。结果收集我科室68例人感染H_7N_9禽流感病毒病例,根据地区分布有3例死亡;根据年龄比较,≥60岁的有45例,≤60岁的有23例;根据性别:男性38例,女性30例;根据职业:离退休人员有22例,农民有26例,其他职业有20例;根据接触禽类史情况:确定与禽类接触史的有14例,剩余为不确定是否有接触史的有54例;根据按月份:3月21例,4月47例;比较发病至入院隔离时间:有33例入院时间明确,当天入院患者有11例,最长在12 d后入院;比较发病时间和检测时间:在进行H_7N_9检测中,有21例是在4 d内,47例在9 d内。结论人感染H_7N_9禽流感病毒的流行特征经过分析后,未能明确传染和流行特征。因此,需要对疫情加强监测,对自然、社会因素的作用进行深入研究。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza virus,and avian influenza H7N9 infection and the external environment leads to the association between the onset of further understanding.Methods To analyze the characteristics and influence factors of natural and social factors on the prevalence of H7N9 virus in humans.Results A total of 68 cases of human H7N9 avian influenza virus were collected in our department.According to the geographical distribution,there were 3 deaths.According to the age,45 cases were逸60 years old and 23 cases were臆60 years old.According to the gender:38 males and 30 females;According to occupations:22 retired workers,26 farmers and 20 occupations in other occupations.According to the history of exposure to poultry,there are 14 cases of history of contact with birds and the rest are not sure whether there is history of contact with 54 cases;according to the month:March 21 cases,April 47 cases;comparison of onset to admission isolation time:33 cases of admission time clear,the day admission of patients in 11 cases,the longest in 12 d after admission;comparison of onset time and detection time:in the H7N9 test,21 cases were within 4 d,47 cases within 9 d.Conclusion After analysis of the epidemiological characteristics of human H7N9 avian influenza virus,the infection and epidemic characteristics were not clear.Therefore,it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring of epidemic situation and conduct an in-depth study on the role of natural and social factors.
WU Hua(Clinical Laboratory,Yichang Second People's Hospital,Yichang 443000,Hubei,China)
Journal of Medical Information
Human infection with H7N9 bird flu
Epidemiological characteristics