
新时代大学生创业教育现状与发展策略研究 被引量:6

Research on the Current Situation and Development Strategy of College Students' Entrepreneurship Education in the New Era
摘要 在新时代中国特色社会主义的时代背景下,实施创新驱动发展战略是我国对人才需求的重要保障。新时代大学生创业教育的开展与国家推动大众创业、万众创新的发展战略是一致的,高校在创业学院的建设、教育教学方式的改革、实践平台的多元化等方面进行了一系列的改革。同时,也出现了诸多问题,如创业教育政策机制问题、创业教育课程设置问题、创业教育师资队伍建设问题等,上述问题制约了大学生创业教育的开展。因此,变革大学生创业教育的理念,构建高层次的大学生创业教育生态系统,抓好大学生与创业导师队伍建设,打造良性创业教育系统,多措并举构建大学生创业教育体系精准化,才能更好地推进大学生创业教育的开展。 Under the background of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era,the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy is an important guarantee for China’s demand for talents.The development of college students’entrepreneurship education in the new era is consistent with the national development strategy of promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation,and a series of reforms have been carried out in the construction of entrepreneurship college,the reform of education and teaching methods,and the diversification of the practical platform.At the same time,there have also been many problems,such as the problem of the policy mechanism of entrepreneurship education,the problem of setting up the curriculum of entrepreneurship education and the problem of the construction of the teaching staff of the entrepreneurship education,which restrict the development of college students’entrepreneurship education.In order to better promote the development of entrepreneurship education for college students,we should change the concept of college students’entrepreneurship education,construct a high level college entrepreneurship education ecosystem and do well in building a team of college students and entrepreneurial mentors,and create a healthy entrepreneurship education system,and adopt multiple measures to build a precise system of entrepreneurship education for college students.
作者 陈晓忠 黄蕾蕾 CHEN Xiao-zhong;HUANG Lei-lei
出处 《高校医学教学研究(电子版)》 2018年第3期12-17,共6页 Medicine Teaching in University (Electronic Edition)
基金 2017年温州市哲学社会科学规划重点课题"大学生创新创业能力评价与提升策略研究"(17WSK010)
关键词 新时代 大学生 创业教育 课程设置 New era College students Entrepreneurship education Curriculum design
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