
儿童抽动障碍体质论治探讨 被引量:9

Discussion on constitution in children with tic disorder
摘要 儿童抽动障碍是现代儿科临床常见病,证候多样,缠绵难愈。导师周正老师,系全国优秀中医临床人才,善从体质论治儿童抽动障碍,疗效显著。主张辨证论治治标,体质论治治本,并把患儿分为痰火型体质、脾虚痰湿型体质、阴虚型体质、脾虚肝亢型体质。痰火型体质方选黄连温胆汤合天麻钩藤饮加减;脾虚痰湿型体质方选半夏厚朴汤合芍药甘草汤加减;阴虚型体质方选大定风珠合天麻钩藤饮加减;脾虚肝亢型体质方选柴胡疏肝散合归脾汤加减,各司其方,疗效倍增,减少复发,值得临床借鉴。 Children tic disorder is a common clinical disease in modern pediatrics,with multiple symptoms and lingering.My tutor Zhou Zheng,a national famous TCM clinical talent,treats children with tic disorder by constitution philosophy and achieves significant effects.He advocates alleviating the clinical symptoms by using the therapeutic principles based on syndrome differentiation and constitution differentiation,and the children are divided into phlegm-type constitution,phlegm-dampness constitution,Yin deficiency constitution,spleen deficiency and liver hyperthyroidism constitution.Phlegm-type constitution children are given the Huanglian Wendan decoction(黄连温胆汤)with Tianma Gouteng decoction(天麻钩藤饮);spleen phlegm-dampness constitution children are given the Banxia Houpu(半夏厚朴汤)with Shaoyao Gancao decoction(芍药甘草汤);Yin deficiency constitution children are given Dadingfeng-zhu(大定风珠)with Tianma Gouteng decoction;spleen deficiency and liver hyperthyroidism type children are given Chaihu Shugan powder(柴胡疏肝散)with Gupi decoction(归脾汤).Treatment based on constitution differentiation can improve the curative effect and reduce relapse,and it is worth the clinical reference.
作者 杨曼 周正
出处 《中医临床研究》 2018年第15期7-9,共3页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
基金 河南省中医药科学研究专题项目(2017ZY2095)
关键词 抽动障碍 儿童 体质 论治 Tic disorder Children Constitution Treatment
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