目的 探讨组织工程化人工骨的仿生构建模式及具有不同细胞相容性支架材料的选择。方法 分别采用人工合成材料生物活性玻璃陶瓷 (BGC)与双相羟基磷灰石 (HA/β TCP)为支架材料 ,与聚 DL 乳酸 (PDLLA)复合后 (重量比分别为 65∶1及 50∶1 )再复合I型胶原及重组合人类骨形态发生蛋白 (rhBMP 2 ) ,与兔骨膜成骨细胞 (密度 1× 1 0 6 /ml)复合培养 ,进行一般与超微形态学观察 ,测定生长曲线及成骨细胞碱性磷酸酶 (ALP)、骨钙素和I型胶原合成量的测定 ,比较细胞粘附能力、增殖活力及成骨活性。结果 生物活性玻璃陶瓷、双相羟基磷灰石分别与成骨细胞复合后的粘附能力、增殖活力 (1d组 :0 .380± 0 .0 32 ,0 .2 50± 0 .0 1 9;7d组 :0 .950± 0 .0 60 ,0 .650±0 .0 4 0 )、成骨活性 (3H 脯氨酸掺入活性 :6 .2 2 8± 1 .785 ,3 .81 8± 0 .858;骨钙素含量 :0 .70 9± 0 .1 1 5 ,0 .386± 0 .0 93 ;碱性磷酸酶 :0 .1 2 3± 0 .0 32 ,0 .0 83± 0 .0 1 8) ,前者均优越于后者。结论 该种仿生组织工程化人工骨的构建模式能较满意模拟天然骨优势 ,生物活性玻璃陶瓷、双相羟基磷灰石两种材料的共混体 。
Objective To investigate the pattern of composition of tissue engineered bone by bionics and choice of scalfolds to exert its vitality better.Methods BGC and HA/β TCP were composed respectively with PDLLA (weight proportion:65∶1,50∶1 ) and then composed with rhBMP 2 and collagen of type I and these two biomaterials were put in common culture with osteoblasts (cell density:1×10 6/ml) from periosteum of rabbit. Their bioactivity was analyzed by optical and electric scanning,microscopic examination. Synthesis of ALP,OC and collagen of type I were measured.Results Osteoblasts culture with BGC and HA/β TCP demonstrated various ability of adherance,proliferation (one day: 0.380± 0.032,0.250±0.019;7 day:0.950±0.060,0.050±0.040) and osteogenesis ( 3H proline: 6.228± 1.785,3.818±0.858;Osteocalcium:0.709±0.115,0.386±0.093;ALP:0.123±0.032, 0.083± 0.018),respectively. BGC was superior to HA/β TCP.Conclusion This sort of tissue engineered bone can imitate natural bone well and the mixture of BGC and HA/13 TCP promises to be more satisfied scalfold.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery