
退耕还林工程对区域农业发展的结构性影响 被引量:5

The Structural Effect of Returning Farmland to Forest Project on the Development of Regional Agriculture
摘要 基于以往学者对于西部若干个省份的研究并结合同期的宏观数据分析。结果表明:退耕还林工程的出现很可能为部分地区传统粗放型农业经营模式带来挑战,也使得部分农户的生产与社会行为发生根本改变。因此,结合国内部分地区在退耕还林工程施行之后的实际情况,针对工程本身对于地区农业生产结构改变和劳动力转移方面的影响进行讨论,并通过对于相关情况的分析提出因地制宜安排补贴标准,提高政策灵活性;扶持龙头企业,促进结构转型升级;完善土地流转机制,优化资源配置情况;改革户籍制度,解决转移人口生计难题等建议。 ⑴Background--Returning farmland to forest has been the largest ecological project in China so far.Its regional coverage,financial investment,and social-economic effects have all aroused widespread concern of the whole society.The main purpose of this policy is to improve the ecological problems caused by soil erosion and land desertification.However,the implementation of this policy inevitably has an impact on regional agricultural development and economic structure.It also poses some new problems for the agricultural and rural development.It may change the current production and social behavior of farmers,and bring challenges to the extensive agricultural management mode in some areas.⑵Methods--This paper discussed the actual changes in agricultural production structure and labor transfer before and after the implementation of returning farmland to forest in some parts of China.The analysis combined the research experience of previous scholars and make some reasonable suggestions.⑶Results--The labor input in forestry dropped from 43.99%in 1996 to 27.15%in 2008.Working outside has become the main direction of labor outflow,accounting for about 42.71%of the overall labor input,which is about two times that of twelve years ago.Another obvious phenomenon is that agriculture's share of labor force has been slightly increased from 4.25%in 1996 to 6.56%in 2008.Although the area of arable land has been reduced,the resource input in per hectare of land has been increased due to the release of labor from the farmland and fertility.In this way,the productivity increase of each hectare of land offset,even exceeded the decrease in production due to the reduction of arable land.In 2011,the number of transferred population reached a peak of 9.43 million,which exceeded 25%of the rural population in the area of returning farmland.Although the labor transfer in these areas has increased significantly during the fifteen years from 1998 to 2013,the rural population still maintained a large scale of nearly 37.1 million in 2013,accounting for about 79.85%of the total population in the target monitoring area,which was greatly beyond the average of 46.27%of the national average.Therefore,the transfer rate of labor in the area of returning farmland still needs to be improved.⑷Conclusions and Discussions--Due to the differences in the quality of different land,the single subsidy policy has greatly weakened the flexibility of the policy.Therefore,in the specific implementation of the subsidy,it is necessary to adjust the standards set by central government.The government also need help people reduce their dependence on land,focus on investing in secondary and tertiary industries,and encourage farmers to change the current mode of agricultural production.The large-scale transfer of urban and rural labor also brings about some general social problems in the process of promoting the urbanization.A considerable portion of the transferred labor lacks the skills and knowledge necessary to engage in some of the manufacturing and service sectors of the city.The limited educational background also makes them plagued by unemployment and underemployment,and the existing household registration system makes them unable to enjoy the benefits and public services provided by the city.Therefore,in addition to expanding the coverage of vocational and technical training,the government also needs coordinate the governmental finance and policies to cater for the demand of migrant workers,actively promote the reform of the household registration system centralized on the urban-rural dual division so as to eliminate the gap between rural and urban life.
作者 翁奇 WENG Qi(School of Economics,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002 China)
出处 《林业经济问题》 北大核心 2018年第3期26-30,101,共6页 Issues of Forestry Economics
关键词 退耕还林 农业生产结构改变 劳动力转移 returning farmland to forest transformation of agricultural production structure labor transfer
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