

The 20th Anniversary of the Nuclear Tests by India and Pakistan:Retrospect and Prospect
摘要 2018年是印度和巴基斯坦进行核试验20周年。1998年5月,印度不顾国际社会反对连续进行5次核试验,巴基斯坦随即跟进,一口气举行了6次核试验。印巴核试验不仅使两国进入公开核对抗时代,也给全球核不扩散机制带来新的复杂挑战。20年来,尽管印度和巴基斯坦并未再进行新的核试验,但两国的核对抗持续发展。印巴在继续升级其核武库水平的同时,也积极开展核外交活动,力争使其核能力"合法化"。2018年也是《核不扩散条约》通过50周年,回顾印巴的核开发历史及其核试验后20年的历程,对坚持维护南亚地区的和平稳定、坚持维护全球防扩散体系的有效性,具有重要的现实意义。 This year witnesses the 20th anniversary of the nuclear tests by India and Pakistan.In May of 1998,India made five successive nuclear tests despite international opposition,while Pakistan followed by making six consecutive nuclear tests at a stretch,indicatin g India and Pakistan have entered a period of open nuclear confrontation.Over the past 20 years,although India and Pakistan have made no new nuclear tests,and concentrated their efforts on nuclear diplomacy to make the international community to accept their status as nuclear states,the nuclear arsenals of India and Pakistan are growing,and their nuclear confrontation is rising steadily.This year marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.Looking back into the 20 years history of nuclear arms development by India and Pakistan is of great and realistic significance for maintaining regional peace and stability in South Asia,and safeguarding the global nuclear nonproliferation regime based on the NPT.
作者 荣鹰 Rong Ying(China Institute of International Studies)
出处 《和平与发展》 CSSCI 2018年第4期49-61,127,共14页 Peace and Development
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  • 4Defense News, the U. S., Nov. 1, 2004, p. 2.
  • 5路透社新德里1998年9月21日电。
  • 6Sharon Squassoni, “U. S. Nuclear Cooperation with India: Issues for Congress”, CRS Report for Congress, July 29, 2005, Congressional Research Service, Liberty of Congress.
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  • 10Statement made by Nehru in Lok Sabha on April 2, 1954.









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