
Method for Latency Measurement of Visual Feedback-Based Master–Slave Minimally Invasive Surgical Robot 被引量:1

Method for Latency Measurement of Visual Feedback-Based Master–Slave Minimally Invasive Surgical Robot
摘要 To measure the latency between human motion stimulation and stereo image display response in a visual feedback-based minimally invasive surgical(MIS) robotic system,a method was proposed by comparing the orientations of input and output events through image-processing technology. This method used a black bar to keep pace with the measured joint rotating at a number of speeds. During tests,an external camera was placed in front of the apparatus with a proper visual field,so that it can simultaneously view orientations of both bars fixed on the corresponding joints. After quantitatively analyzing the accuracy of the proposed measurement method,the method was applied to a visual feedback-based master–slave robotic system with two-degrees-of-freedom. Experimental results show that the latency of the overall system was approximately 250 ms,and the opposite clearance of the measured joint was in the range of 1.7°–1.9°. To measure the latency between human motion stimulation and stereo image display response in a visual feedback-based minimally invasive surgical(MIS) robotic system,a method was proposed by comparing the orientations of input and output events through image-processing technology. This method used a black bar to keep pace with the measured joint rotating at a number of speeds. During tests,an external camera was placed in front of the apparatus with a proper visual field,so that it can simultaneously view orientations of both bars fixed on the corresponding joints. After quantitatively analyzing the accuracy of the proposed measurement method,the method was applied to a visual feedback-based master–slave robotic system with two-degrees-of-freedom. Experimental results show that the latency of the overall system was approximately 250 ms,and the opposite clearance of the measured joint was in the range of 1.7°–1.9°.
出处 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2018年第4期375-386,共12页 天津大学学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the International S&T Cooperation Program of China (No. 2014DFA70710) the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51475323)
关键词 MINIMALLY INVASIVE surgical(MIS)robot LATENCY measurement Real time Visual feedback Minimally invasive surgical(MIS) robot Latency measurement Real time Visual feedback
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