
我国高校毕业生就业流动性别差异的调查分析 被引量:8

An Analysis of Gender Differences in Employment Flow of University Graduates in China
摘要 高校毕业生在就业流动中形成的性别分化现象当前备受关注。以社会性别理论和推拉理论为分析框架,调查我国高校毕业生基于身体流动和身份变迁的就业流动状况发现:男生更能利用空间流动获得更好的发展机会、凭借阶层流动改善代际困境,女生则存在"流动惰性";对男生而言,优势行业会产生强有力的拉力作用以吸引其进入,进而获得更好的行业收益;对女生而言,优势行业总体上对其产生推力使其流入利益链的最低端或劣势阶层。据此,两性若要在就业流动中获得相对平等、自由和充分的发展,必须重构先进的性别文化,创设更加宽容和开放的社会流动机制,革除高等教育内部的性别隔离现象,并推动性别敏感理念在大学生就业政策和就业制度中的制定与实施。 An orderly and reasonable employment flow of university graduates is not only beneficial to the allocation of high-end human resources in China,but will also promote regional economic development and alleviate the social risks brought by the class solidification.Difficulty in the employment of university graduates is becoming the major problem in our society,moreover,there is a voice claiming that women should go home,and the popularity of this voice is rising up.The phenomenon of gender differentiation in employment flow of university graduates has attracted a lot of social attention.Taking the social gender theory and push-pull theory as the framework of this analysis,we selected 10 colleges from eastern,central,and western China,including the leading universities,local universities and higher vocational colleges,the graduates from these universities and colleges are selected as the objects of this analysis.Therefore,the employment flow is studied based on the geographical location and personal identity changes of the objects,the results are listed below.First,the turnover rate of male is higher than the female.Female subjects tend to be more inert in employment flow than male.Inter-provincial mobility analysis illustrates that female subjects are more inclined to stay in the current status than male subjects.Urban-rural mobility analysis shows that the city exerts a stronger‘pull’effect on the male subjects from rural area.According to the data of stratum mobility,it can be seen that the male subjects from inferior class have stronger willing to flow towards superior class.Second,the industry distribution of university graduates illustrates gender segregation,the females are confronting the logic of‘gender difference-major difference-industry difference-wage difference’,therefore males are facing different circumstances,which is‘male-male friendly major-male friendly industry-high level of wage’.In other words,for males,the dominant industries have a stronger‘pull’effect to attract male graduates,and thus gain better profits for the industry.However,for females,the circumstances are just the reverse.Third,although the graduates from the inferior stratum have achieved a certain degree of upward stratum mobility,there are still strong barriers between the stratums,and the copiable intergenerational mobility is significant.The female from the inferior stratum are at the lowest end of the interest chain of stratum mobility.According to the results listed above,this analysis brings out the following opinions and suggestions.Firstly,Traditional gender culture has established a set of so called“reasonable”systems and norms,which is the root cause of gender differences in employment.In order to obtain equality,freedom and healthier development in employment for the different genders,the advanced gender culture based on the modern equality principles must be reconstructed.Secondly,there is a significant gender segregation in gender,major,industry and wage.The gender segregation maintains and replicates the pattern of traditional gender culture which permanently existed in the social order.If the gender segregation could be eliminated from higher education,the development and spread of gender inequality in employment would be effectively blocked.Thirdly,due to the constraints of institutional and structural factors,the gender segregation is always within the stratum mobility.Among them,female from inferior class are often at the end of the interest chain due to the dual cumulative disadvantages of inferior stratum and gender.Thus,it can be seen that the gender equality perspective must be incorporated and a more tolerant and opened social stratum mobility mechanism must be created in order to establish a fair,reasonable and opened modern social stratum mobility model.Lastly,the current government policies related to the employment of graduates are lack of considerations based on the influence of gender culture on individual choice.This caused the gap between the proper expectations and objective effects of employment policies.Therefore,the government should consider the characteristics of the policy objects and the possible impact of policies,then promote the development and implementation of gender-sensitive policies in the employment system.
作者 郑育琛 ZHENG Yu-chen
出处 《大学教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期43-50,125,共9页 University Education Science
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划2015年度教育部青年课题"高校毕业生就业流动的社会分层机理研究"(EIA150401)
关键词 高校毕业生 就业流动 性别差异 阶层流动 社会流动 college graduate employment mobility gender differences students from city students from rural areas
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