Objective To explore Lhe effecL of Danhong InjecLion combined wiLh closed Lhoracic drainage plus four an-Li-Luberculous drugs in LreaLing Luberculous pleural effusion.Methods The 80 cases clinical daLa of early diagnose clearly Luberculous pleural effusion in Lhe TenLh People's HospiLal of Shenyang from January Lo June in 2017 were se-lecLed and divided inLo conLrol group(four anLi-Luberculosis drugs,40 cases)and combined LreaLmenL group(Danhong InjecLion cooperaLe Lhoracic close drainage and four anLi-Luberculosis drugs,40 cases)by differenL LreaLmenL meLhod.The pleural effusion drainage Lime,pleural effusion drainage volume and hospiLal sLays in Lhe Lwo groups were deLecLed,Lhe pleural Lhickness,lung funcLion and Lhe levels of IL-12,TNF-琢,ADA in Lhe Lwo groups before and afLer LreaLmenL were compared and Lhe clinical effecLs of Lwo groups were deLecLed.Results The pleural effusion drainage Lime,hospi-Lal sLays in Lhe combined LreaLmenL group were shorLer Lhan Lhose of Lhe conLrol group(P<0.05).AfLer LreaLmenL,Lhe pleural Lhickness and Lhe levels of IL-12,TNF-琢,ADA in Lhe Lwo groups were lower Lhan Lhose before LreaLmenL,and Lhe levels of TLC,FVC,FEV1/FVC%were higher Lhan before LreaLmenL,besides Lhe pleural Lhickness and Lhe levels of IL-12,TNF-琢,ADA in Lhe combined LreaLmenL group afLer LreaLmenL were lower Lhan Lhose in Lhe conLrol group,and Lhe levels of TLC,FVC,FEV1/FVC%were higher Lhan Lhose of Lhe conLrol group,wiLh sLaLisLically significanL difference(P<0.05).The clinical LreaLmenL LoLal effecLive raLe of combined LreaLmenL group was higher Lhan LhaL of Lhe conLrol group(P<0.05).Conclusion Danhong InjecLion wiLh closed Lhoracic drainage plus four anLi-Luberculosis drugs in Lhe LreaLmenL of Luberculous pleural effusion can shorLen Lhe Lime,increase Lhe flow,and improve pleural Lhickness,lung func-Lion and pleural effusion,biochemical indicaLors and Lhe clinical curaLive effecL,which is worLhy of clinical applicaLion.
QIAO Ruijun(The FirsL Ward of Tuberculosis,Lhe TenLh People,s HospiLal of Shenyang,Liaoning Province,Shenyang 110044,China)
China Medical Herald
Danhong injecLion
Thoracic close drainage
Four anLi-Luberculosis drugs
Tuberculous pleural effusion