

The Dispelling and Supersedure of Guangdong Merchant Militia’s Social Functions after the Canton Merchant Militia Uprising
摘要 商团事件后,广州商团被没收团产、罚款、缴械和解散。周边商团因有附乱行为,亦被惩处。部分商团顺从政令,也有投机规避,甚至武力反抗者,商团事件之善后因此并不顺利。广州商团的解散使广东商团和广州商人失去领导核心,军匪乘机大肆祸害商场。为保卫商人并维护商场稳定,广州商人组建市商团、市民团和保商队等商人自卫组织,然皆遭挫折。商团解散造成的社会治安职能空缺,主要由滇军主持设置的军警联合督察处及公安局填补,地方救济与救火事务则由商人协同其他团体和政府共同负责。广州商人虽然缺少商团这一参与政治和社会事务的聚合中心,但仍以其雄厚实力与既有经验,在地方事务上发挥重要作用。 After being suppressed by the government,the Canton Merchant Militia was confiscated of the militia properties,imposed a fine,disarmed and dissolved.Due to the former response to the Uprising,the surrounding merchant militias were also punished.Some merchant militias obeyed the government decrees,but some were opportunistic,and even rebelled,it thus was not smooth to deal with the aftermath of the Uprising.As a consequence,the dissolution of Canton Merchant Militia resulted in the loss of leadership for Guangdong Merchant Militia and Canton merchants.What s worse,the bandits and troops took the chance to do harm to the market severely.In order to protect the merchants and stabilize the markets,the Canton merchants tried to set up commercial self-defense organizations such as the city merchant corps,city civil corps and commercial protection teams,which finally ended up in setbacks and failures.The vacancy of social security function,which was caused by the dissolution of militias,was mainly filled in by the military-police joint inspection division and the public security bureau presided by the Yunnan Army.The local social relief and firefighting affairs were shared by the merchants,other groups and the government.Though losing the merchant corps as a central force to participate in the political and social affairs,the Canton merchants still played an important role in the local affairs with their strong strength and rich experience.
作者 敖光旭 简秀仪 Ao Guangxu;Jian Xiuyi
机构地区 中山大学历史系
出处 《近代史学刊》 CSSCI 2018年第1期34-50,252,253,共18页 Journal of Modern Chinese History
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“近代闽粤地区商会资料整理与研究”(项目号:16JJD770022)资助成果
关键词 广东商团 商团事件 社会职能 Guangdong Merchant Militia Merchant Militia Uprising Social Functions
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