

Analysis on Pressure Drop of R134a Inside Horizontal Microchannels
摘要 本实验以R134a为工质,在两种不同尺寸测试管内进行流动冷凝实验,以质量流量、饱和温度、热流密度、测试管结构参数为影响因子,以压降为评价指标,旨在研究外界水力工况及测试管结构尺寸对流体流动功耗的影响。实验结果显示:压降随着干度、质量流量的增加而增加,随着饱和温度的增大而降低,随着管径的减小而增大,但热流密度对管内压降的影响并不大。 Flowing condensation experiments were carried out inside tubes with different sizes,and R134a was selected as working substance in the experiment,and mass flux,saturation temperature,heat flux and structural parameters were selected as influencing factors,and pressure drop was used as evaluation index,for the purpose of studying the influences of hydraulic conditions and structural parameters on the working fluid power consumption.The experimental results show:the pressure drop increases with the increase of vapor quality and mass flux,and with the decrease of saturation temperature and tube diameter,and heat flux has a small effect on the pressure drop.
作者 汪爱丽 赛庆毅 贾志彬 WANG Ai-li;SAI Qing-yi;JIA Zhi-bin(Department of Automotive Engineering,Jining Polytechnic;School of Energy and Power Engineering,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;Shanghai Ruicheng Environment Protection Tech.Co.,Ltd.)
出处 《建筑热能通风空调》 2018年第6期21-24,共4页 Building Energy & Environment
关键词 流动冷凝 R134A 热流密度 质量流量 干度 flowing condensation R134a heat flux mass flux dryness
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